"Epidemics" de boli pulmonare asociate cu ţigările electronice în mai fines state American. Pacienţii sunt spitalizaţi şi ventilaţi mecanic

[ad_1] State Officials au confirmat vineri cel puţin 31 de cazuri, alte zeci fiind încă investigate. Medical authority nu se pot exprima în privinţa recuperării pacienţilor avertizând unităţile spitaliceşti şi publicul cu privire la leziuni pulmonare severe ce pot ameninţa viaţa. Pacienţii descriu simptome precum dificultăţi de respiraţie, pierderea suflului …

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Ethereum's short term losses likely to continue

[ad_2][ad_1] After Ethereum saw a massive fall of 8 percent on the 14th of August. Is the recovery at press time enough to indicate that Ethereum has broken away from bears? Ethereum's 4-hour chart At press time, Ethereum referred to bullish return in the market From the analysis, it can …

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Researchers find Monero Mining malware hiding from Task Manager

[ad_2][ad_1] Cybersecurity company Varonis has discovered a new cryptography virus, dubbed "Norman", which aims to extract the Monero cryptocurrency (XMR) and escape detection. Varonis published a report on Norman on August 14th. According to the report, Varonis found Norman as one of the many encryption viruses distributed in an attack …

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The summer is not over yet

[ad_1] People in Germany have yet to give up hope for a summer return. From Wednesday it will be sunny and warmer again. Even a new heat wave seems possible. Only a few days with the rain and the time they permeate, so the Germans can still look at the …

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Casa Poporului și Centrul Civic

[ad_1] La jumătatea anilor '80, Bucureştiul arăta şi se simţea ca în vreme de război. Feed them if vindeau pe cartelă, curentul electric şi apa caldă se opreau frecvent, iar în centrul istoric al oraşului, clădirile se prăbuşeau una după cealaltă. Nu, nu era război. Politruci, primari, birocraţi, arhitecţi, urbanişti …

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