[ad_1] The Chrome OS 87 update includes three big new features such as the ability to search for tabs, the option to see the battery level of the Bluetooth devices we’ve connected, and up to 36 new wallpapers. The controversy Chrome OS 87 update, which in its preliminary version had …
Read More »Does the new iPhone 12 also have battery problems?
[ad_1] Apple’s new range of smartphones is not revolutionary, however, it appears that the pandemic caused by COVID-19 has also had a serious impact on the production and quality testing of the new iPhone 12. At the end of the cable, in addition to problems connecting to 4G and 5G …
Read More »Video | Romania – Poland 28-24. Frantic return to the “tricolor”. They led 3 quarters of the game. First victory in the Euro
[ad_1] European Women’s Handball Championship: Poland – Romania, Saturday, 5pm, Digi Sport 1 Liga 1: FCSB –UTA, Saturday, 9:30 pm, Digi Sport 1 Romania – Poland 28-24. Cristina Neagu, 8 goals. Cristina Laslo, 6 goals, the best in the field The “tricolors” started the match with Poland badly, as well …
Read More »Duplantis wins the World Athletics Male Athlete of the Year award
[ad_1] Links to history Baton Rouge, La.- World Duplantis Saturday morning he was named the winner of the World Athletics Male Athlete of the Year 2020 award. The virtual ceremony announced a plethora of awards in what was a celebration of the sport of athletics. Mondo won the award over …
Read More »Player tests Microsoft Flight Simulator live: it’s “wild”
[ad_1] The player tests Microsoft Flight Simulator live: it’s “wild” Please enable JavaScript to continue using this application. . [ad_2] Source link
Read More »FC Bayern – RB Leipzig in the live ticker: the best game is coming! The players wear a black ribbon
[ad_1] FC Bayern vs RB Leipzig: everything is ready for a real top match. Does Monaco stand out at the top of the rankings? The live ticker. FC Bayern – RB Leipzig -: – (- 🙂 The FC Bayern Munich * meet the pursuers in the Bundesliga flagship match of …
Read More »China now has the largest single-dish radio telescope in the world
[ad_1] The iconic Arecibo radio telescope recently had another broken cable, which resulted in the complete collapse and destruction of the telescope. It was the largest single-dish radio telescope in the world, but with its demise, China now claims that title. The Chinese Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope (FAST) is now …
Read More »Heavy! This type of bank is officially defined for the first time! The scale has been significantly reduced and supervision will continue! _ Oriental Fortune Network
[ad_1] Original title: Heavy! This type of bank is officially defined for the first time! The scale has been significantly reduced and the heavy supervision will continue! Summary [Pesante!Questotipodibancaèufficialmentedefinitoperlaprimavolta!Lascalaèstatanotevolmenteridottaelasupervisionecontinuerà!】”Ricercasullasupervisionefinanziaria”L’accountpubblicoWeChathapubblicatoilrapporto”ChinaShadowBanking”pubblicatoil4dalPolicyResearchBureaudellaChinaBankingandInsuranceRegulatoryCommissionedallaTaskForcedelDipartimentodiStatisticaeMonitoraggiodeiRischiIlrapportosottolineavacheipericolinascostidelsistemabancarioombrainCinaeranountempomoltograviedopodiversiannididurolavorostaoramostrandounadinamicadimiglioramentofondamentaleIlrapportohaancheintrodottoicriterilaportataelaportatadelsistemabancarioombracinese(DailyEconomicNews) “Ricerca sulla vigilanza finanziaria” WeChatpubblicoIl 4, il “China Shadow” emesso dal Policy Research Bureau della China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission …
Read More »Watch Japan’s Hayabusa2 mission bringing the first underground asteroid samples to Earth
[ad_1] A Japanese spacecraft is returning to Earth on Saturday with a very special delivery: a capsule containing the first ever rock samples from beneath the surface of an asteroid. When it crashes to Earth, the capsule will provide a breathtaking spectacle over the Australian outback, crossing the sky like …
Read More »All the polling stations in the diaspora have been opened. Over 65,500 Romanians voted by 5pm
[ad_1] The electoral process in the parliamentary elections is underway abroad. In the diaspora, parliamentary elections began with the vote of the section of Auckland, New Zealand, which opened on Friday evening at 20:00 (Romanian time).Voting in the diaspora takes place over two days: Saturday and Sunday. The Ministry of …
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