Francisco Sagasti is the new president of Peru


Centrist parliamentarian Francisco Sagasti, from the Morado Party, the only political group that voted against the removal of Martín Vizcarra, was elected as the new president of Peru.

After a day of total uncertainty in Peru, without a president of the executive and the legislature, the country’s congressmen finally chose a new board of directors this Monday, headed by Francisco Sagasti, a member of the purple party. Thus, Sagasti becomes the new transitional president in Peru.

The plenary session of the Legislature exceeded the necessary 60 votes and elected the new Board of Directors led by Francisco Sagasti (Purple Party) and his vice-presidents Mirtha Vásquez (Broad Front), Luis Roel (Popular Action) and Matilde Fernández (We are Peru ).

In this way, Sagasti Hochhausler continues to lead the transitional government and assumes the presidency of the Republic after the resignation of Manuel Merino and the first vice president of Congress, Mirtha Vásquez, will take office as president of the Congress replacing Luis Valdéz (Alliance Per the progress).

See more: Peru, in limbo, due to lack of agreement in Congress

Who is Francisco Sagasti?

A 76-year-old engineer who worked for the World Bank, Sagasti was elected the new president of Congress, but automatically and immediately assumes the position of head of state, according to the Constitution.

He barely passed the 60 votes required to be elected, his colleagues in the plenary cheering. He was the only candidate in the running.

Sagasti must complete the current period of government, which will end on July 28, 2021, following the sacking of popular president Martin Vizcarra a week ago and the resignation of his successor Manuel Merino on Sunday.

See more: Corruption, the root of all political crises in Peru

The omnipotent and fragmented Congress thus chose Merino’s successor, eight days after having fired the popular Vizcarra for “moral incapacity” and unleashed the worst political crisis of the last two decades in the country, between the health emergency caused by the coronavirus and the economic recession.

On Sunday, the heads of the nine banks agreed to elect left-wing parliamentarian Rocío Silva Santisteban as Peru’s new president, but then she didn’t get the votes needed to be ratified by her colleagues.

Members of Congress “are sending Peru overboard. Irresponsible! “, The former Minister of Economy and Finance of Vizcarra, María Antonieta Alva, scolded them on Twitter.

Early elections?

To put an end to the uncertainty, former lawmaker Víctor Andrés García Belaúnde, of Merino’s (center-right) Popular Action party, proposed to bring forward the general elections, called for April 2021.

“The current serious crisis shows, once again, that not only legality is needed but also social legitimacy. Time to consult people. It is necessary to bring forward the date of the presidential elections. Will Congress make it? ”Tweeted García Belaunde.

See more: Manuel Merino, the shortest and most tragic presidency of Peru

Others speculate that it would be necessary for a high magistrate, such as the head of the Constitutional Court or the head of the judiciary, to take power on a provisional basis, as happened almost a century ago after the fall of President Augusto B. Leguía.

What seems out of the question is a military intervention. The Joint Command of the Armed Forces said Sunday that it will maintain “strict observance of its non-deliberative principle” and called for “a peaceful solution to political differences”.


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