Monthly Archives: August 2018

The Hashrate Monero (XMR) recorded a significant decline

[ad_1] As reported by the Bitinfocharts, Monero (XMR), the most appreciated cryptocurrency on the market, has recorded a significant decline in its hashrate. This fact made the Monero community show appreciation for the news and also made an enthusiastic XMR claiming that the famous privacy coin "won its first battle …

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Litecoin, Stellar Lumens, Tron, IOTA, EOS Technical analysis

[ad_2][ad_1] Apart from the IOTA, which on paper seems to outperform colleagues who add 15% in recent days, other coins such as Tron, Litecoin and Stellar Lumens are on average around two percent. Of all the coins though, Stellar Lumens (XLM) is the most stable since they horizontally consolidate along …

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The Bitcoin ETF will soon be replaced by ETN?

[ad_1] Satoshi Nakamoto the creator of Bitcoin published an article "Bitcoin: a peer-to-peer electronic payment system" in 2008 and introduced a radically new way to exchange money. From then on, the need for a third party, like a bank or another financial institution, simply disappeared. Indeed, this has become a …

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