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In addition to IOTA, which on paper seems to outperform its peers adding 15% in recent days, other coins like Tron, Litecoin and Stellar Lumens are about two percent on average. Of all the coins though, Stellar Lumens (XLM) is the most stable since they horizontally consolidate along our previous 22 cents trigger line. On the other hand, the prices of Litecoin, EOS and Tron still swing between the lows of August 17, but they will probably follow and test the immediate resistance lines respectively at $ 70, $ 7 and 2.5 cents. Let's take a look at these graphs: Technical analysis EOSDa NewsHuobi Global resumes the withdrawal of EOS after a previous suspension, citing insufficient resources of the CPU. The withdrawal of EOS, ADD and IQ has started again. We apologize for any inconvenience caused. #HuobiGlobal $ EOS $ ADD $ IQ @EOS_io https://t.co/zY8qRMBof4- Huobi Global (@HuobiGlobal) August 19, 2018 Technical Analysis EOS Daily Chart of Trading View Two days after the end of this
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Litecoin, Stellar Lumens, Tron, IOTA Technical Analysis, EOS: al 90 % from ATH, Altcoins are almost "free"
https://www.newsbtc.com/2018/08/20/litecoin-stellar-lumens-tron-iota-eos-technical -analysis-at-90- from-aths-altcoins-are-almost-free /
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