Wuhan pneumonia︱ Government notes that it is mandatory to go to restaurants and bars to use “Travel with confidence”, the industry fears that the implementation could cause disputes among the elderly or no installation – Hong Kong Apple Daily


  1. Wuhan Pneumonia ︱ The government notes that it is mandatory to go to restaurants and bars to use “Travel with confidence”.Hong Kong Apple Daily
  2. Zhang Sumei points out that closing the bars is unreasonable. Huang Jielong describes the restaurant business as disastrousYahoo Hong Kong News
  3. Government announced or forced the use of “Travel with confidence” Huang Jielong fears that the implementation is controversial and difficult for the elderly to useHong Kong 01
  4. Huang Jielong pointed out that if the number of restaurants shrinks or the restaurant business will be “immediate death” -Hong Kong News-Real Time News-Headline DailyDaily title
  5. View the full report on Google News


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