Would you be interested in a visa to live in Iceland? If you are a freelancer, this is your chance (in the middle of the pandemic)


Because the situation is complex in many countries after the economic crises caused by the coronavirus pandemic have started to occur. Then new avenues begin to emerge, like this one that allows you to get a visa to live Iceland as a freelancer or if you work remotely.

The question is simple: if your work does not require presence and you can do it in Colombia, China or La Conchinchina; then the government of this country offer you a visa for a stay of up to six months. So you can do tourism, get to know the country in total tranquility.

You just need to demonstrate remotely that you work for a foreign company and you don’t even need to have a previous visa of any other type.

What do you need to get a visa?

According to the official website, you can be a good candidate for this visa if you meet the following conditions:

  • They have not received a long-stay visa in the past 12 months from the Icelandic authorities
  • Prove that you work for a foreign company (i.e. outside of Iceland)
  • The lawyer you are not planning to reside in Iceland for the long term
  • The applicant must prove that his monthly income is equivalent to ISK 1,000,000 (or $ 27 million pesos per month), or ISK 1,300,000 (approximately $ 35 million pesos per month) if he requires an accompanying spouse, cohabiting children under the age of 18.
  • Have health insurance approved by the company you work for

Perhaps this is the point that not all freelancers would meet: income, because yes or yes, they have to prove it That’s what they earn for being there without a visa for 180 days.


Former Member of Parliament Asta Gudrun Helgadottir told Bloomberg: “With this, the idea is to attract high-income professionals from Silicon Valley or San Francisco to spend their money here instead of there.”

After all, it’s a way that “slandia wants tourists to spend money at restaurants, take weekend trips across the country, and book Airbnbs or luxury hotels. This requires a little extra money from tourists, especially as the cost of living in Iceland is very high, “says Matador Network.

Don’t you meet this condition? Quiet! It could be other possibilities in other countries you might be interested in:

How to apply for a visa?

According to the official website, if you want to get a visa to live in Iceland through this mode, you can apply directly in the corresponding application form as well as having the necessary documents which can be found on the website of the Immigration Directorate updated.

It is important to note that foreign certificates must be apostilled or double confirmed, as appropriate. In the case of the Colombians, will need to be translated into English or an official Scandinavian language, but their original format will also be required.

Although a date of receipt has not yet been established, the call is now open.


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