WHO urges to start preparing for a new pandemic – WHO urges the world to prepare for a new pandemic


The World Health Organization (WHO) has called on world leaders to prepare for the next pandemic. This will be the main theme of the 73rd World Health Assembly (WHA).

“We must prepare for the next pandemic now”, WHO said in a press release.

Related: Europe is the epicenter of Covid-19, – WHO

“We have seen over the past year that countries with a robust health emergency preparedness infrastructure have been able to act quickly to contain and control the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus,” reads the statement.

The World Health Assembly (WHA) will consider a draft resolution that strengthens member states’ preparedness for health emergencies, such as COVID-19, through stronger compliance with international health regulations.

Related: WHO appoints the only therapy that has proven effective against Covid-19

This resolution calls on the global health community to ensure that all countries are better equipped to detect and respond to cases of Covid-19 and other dangerous infectious diseases.

The 73rd annual session of the World Health Assembly will be held November 9-14 via teleconference.

As we previously reported, the World Health Organization recorded over 3.3 million new cases of coronavirus last week.

As of November 1, 46 million cases have been observed worldwide; 1.2 million people died. A further increase in incidence was observed in the European region. There is also a noticeable increase in the death rate in the same region and around the world.

Related: WHO reveals the effect of antiviral drugs in Covid-19 treatment


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