What does messy Brexit mean? BILD clarifies the ten most common questions: foreign policy


The British Prime Minister Theresa May's Brexit agreement was rejected. The vote of no confidence in parliament could only barely decide. Monday, May wants to present his new plan. The outcome of the Brexit drama: completely open.

After the referendum on the permanence of the United Kingdom in the European Union on June 23, 2016, Brexit has occupied us – and has become a separate science. First starting point for small and large surveys: Google.

BILD has identified the ten most common questions Google users have been looking for since voting in Parliament on Monday and provides answers!

1. What is Brexit?

Brexit refers to the exit of Great Britain from the EU. In a referendum of 23 June 2016 voted 51.9 percent of the voters for Brexit, for a stay in the EU were 48.1 percent (turnout: 72.2 percent). The scheduled departure date is March 29th.

2. What does Brexit mean?

What it means exactly when Britain leaves the EU has to do with whether or not there is an exit agreement. It seeks to clarify the relationship between the EU and its non-member (eg tariffs, air traffic, border controls). Everything that the states of the EU have regulated with one another must be clarified. Leaving without proper agreement would cancel these rules from one moment to another.

3. What is the Brexit agreement?

The Brexit agreement refers to the withdrawal agreement that British Prime Minister Theresa May had negotiated with EU officials. This was to be approved by the British Parliament – but found there in a vote on Tuesday, not by a majority (432 votes against 202 for). The EU has ruled out the renegotiation of the agreement. Monday May wants to present a plan B.

4. What does Brexit mean for Germany?

A semester abroad in England or a new job, a short trip to London only with the identity card – which is now evident, could be complicated after March 29th. Many people are personally influenced by it.

Britain is an important trading partner for Germany, so Brexit could also have major consequences for the economy, for example when it comes to skilled workers or company locations. And even in the EU budget, Germany has to pay another 4.2 billion without the British, my researcher.

5. What does Brexit mean?

The clearest possible break with the EU, especially in trade issues. The biggest intransigents ("Brextremists") would also accept a disordered Brexit (see question seven) and then economic turbulence.

6. What is Brexit translated?

The word Brexit is a word composed of "Great Britain" and "Exit", ie Great Britain and exit, which refers to the exit of the British from the EU.

7. What is a messy Brexit?

As a messy Brexit it is called an exit of the British without a corresponding exit contract. As a result, there would be no transitional phase until 2020 as planned and Britain would be sacked from all EU treaties by March 30, 2019 – without replacement.

8. What is Brexit simply explained?

Under the leadership of former Prime Minister David Cameron, a referendum was held in June 2016 on the permanence of Britain in the EU. 51.89 percent said they would stop. Since then, the Brexit and its design are discussed. Pursuant to Article 50 of the Treaty on the European Union, a country may cease to exist after a period of two years, which ends for Great Britain on 29 March 2019. The exact nature of this withdrawal is still in discussion.

9. What is Brexit in German?

See question six, Brexit consists of "Great Britain" and "Exit", which means, freely translated, "leaving Britain".

10. What happens to Brexit?

Britain is leaving the EU as a member state. How exactly that aspect depends on whether there is a withdrawal agreement and how it looks. If May succeeds in getting Parliament to approve their only exit agreement, there may be an exit with a transition phase – all the necessary adjustments could be made there.

If this plan B is also rejected, it could lead to a disorderly Brexit (see question seven). Alternative: the collection date is postponed, according to the Brussels signals. This could push the final decision up to 2020. The opinion on the further Brexit trial is manifold, some Britons also ask for a new vote.

More Google search results

The key people of Brexit have been researched in particular on Google: Prime Minister Theresa May, Labor leader Jeremy Corbyn, House Speaker John Bercow and former Foreign Minister and Brexit advocate Boris Johnson were among the first 30 most searched words.

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Photo: Yui Mok / dpa

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British Prime Minister Theresa May issued a statement Wednesday evening on her tight vote of no confidencePhoto: Yui Mok / dpa

Likewise, the participating countries and institutions often used small research: Britain, England, Ireland, the British House of Commons and the EU. The exchange rate between the British pound and the euro was also sought much more frequently than the average.

What are the British looking for?

For the British, Brexit is currently underway, but also with them, research has increased on Tuesday. In particular in the United Kingdom, many Google users wanted to know how their MPs voted the draft of the Brexit of May ("My MP supports Brexit?"). And of course, since the vote had generally come out.

Some Britons also wanted to know if the cancellation of the Mays Brexit affair means that the Brexit will be canceled ("The Brexit is canceled?").

What does messy Brexit mean? BILD clarifies the ten most common questions

Photo: Jens Oellermann

In the meantime, research queries related to Brexit topics have even surpassed Google's perennial favorite: "What time is it?"

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