What are the countries with more than a million covid-19 infections in the world like?


FILE PHOTO: A healthcare worker prepares to collect a sample from a patient at a mobile COVID-19 testing station in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on October 21, 2020. REUTERS / Bing Guan
FILE PHOTO: A healthcare worker prepares to collect a sample from a patient at a mobile COVID-19 testing station in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on October 21, 2020. REUTERS / Bing Guan

On Saturday 24 October, a week after the revocation of the preventive isolation measure that started the economic reactivation, Colombia has exceeded one million infections and 30 thousand deaths from covid-19. In total, there are eight countries on the planet that exceed this number of infections. Infobae was counting on how I am now.

United States


With 8,702,600 infections and 26,407 deaths, the United States continues to be the country most affected by covid-19 in the world as of 25 October. Last Sunday alone the number of infections was 50,691.

One of the measures to mitigate the consequences of the coronavirus in that country, proposed by specialists, is to order the national compulsory use of masks, even more so with the arrival of winter.

A former US Food and Drug Administration commissioner, Dr. Scott Gottlieb, wrote to The Wall Street newspaper that the mandate for the use of masks may be “limited and temporary”, but still necessary.


With the consolidation from the first infection, on February 26, and from the first death, on March 12, both in Sao Paulo, Brazil, 5,394,128 confirmed cases are now added.  EFE / Sebastiao Moreira
With the consolidated from the first infection, on February 26, and from the first death, on March 12, both in Sao Paulo, Brazil now adds 5,394,128 confirmed cases. EFE / Sebastiao Moreira

Brazil, one of the countries most affected by the new coronavirus pandemic, along with the United States and India, passed 157,000 deaths this Sunday and was on the verge of 5.4 million confirmed cases, according to the government.

This Sunday, the Brazilian Ministry of Health reported the deaths of 231 people; however, the moving average of the past week is the lowest since the beginning of May, with an average of 461 deaths.

In this country, a judicial debate of three trials on the mandatory nature of the vaccine is expected to be held next Friday, October 30, because the president Jair Bolsonaro opposes her and even states that, at home, only her dog is required to receive the antivirus.


Devotees unload a sculpture of the Hindu goddess Durga to immerse themselves in the River Ganges on the last day of the Durga Puja festival amid the spread of coronavirus disease (COVID-19), in Kolkata, India on October 26, 2020. REUTERS / Rupak De Chowdhuri
Devotees unload a sculpture of the Hindu goddess Durga to plunge into the River Ganges on the last day of the Durga Puja festival amid the spread of coronavirus disease (COVID-19), in Kolkata, India on October 26, 2020. REUTERS / Rupak De Chowdhuri

India, the second most populous country on earth, has been the hardest hit by covid-19 in Asia, with approximately 7,910,000 infections and 119,014 deaths. However, the outlook is more encouraging than it was months ago.

480 deaths were reported on Sunday, the lowest since July 10, when 475 deaths were recorded in 24 hours. September was the most critical month in this country, as daily deaths hit 1,100.


Several people with masks are waiting for the bus at a stop in Moscow.  EFE / EPA / MAXIM SHIPENKOV
Several people with masks are waiting for the bus at a stop in Moscow. EFE / EPA / MAXIM SHIPENKOV

Russia has recorded more than 1.5 million infections, which places it as the country with the largest number of cases in Europe and the fourth on the planet. However, it has one of the lowest death rates from the virus in the world —25,875 deaths—, a fact that has attracted the attention of the World Health Organization (WHO).

“Perhaps the Russian authorities should check how they do the certifications – of those who died of coronavirus -“, he raised the WHO, which warned that “it is difficult to understand” the mortality data provided by the government of that country.

Due to the increase in infections, Russia has applied new restrictions, such as the closure of schools for 15 days and the obligation for companies to allow at least 30% of their employees to telework.


Passengers at Orly airport, near Paris (France).  EFE / Christophe Petit Tesson / Archive
Passengers at Orly airport, near Paris (France). EFE / Christophe Petit Tesson / Archive

France recorded a record 52,010 new confirmed coronavirus infections on Sunday, October 25, surpassing the figure of 45,422 on Saturday, according to the country’s health ministry. In total, there are approximately 1,100,000 infected and more than 34,000 deaths from covid-19.

The next few days, this European country awaits launch a device to test covid-19 antigens at Paris airports, to obtain results in a few minutes and give fluidity to air transport without the need for new quarantines.


A woman runs on Las Ramblas during the first day of the night curfew, part of an effort to control the outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19), in Barcelona, ​​Spain.  October 25, 2020. REUTERS / Nacho Doce
A woman runs on Las Ramblas during the first day of the night curfew, part of an effort to control the outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19), in Barcelona, ​​Spain. October 25, 2020. REUTERS / Nacho Doce

In the Iberian country, which has just exceeded one million infections from covid-19 and recorded 34.75 deaths in the last 24 hours, on Sunday 25 October a state of alarm was decreed that allows a curfew for all of Spain and, as expected , will last until May 2021.

The curfew imposed will be between 11pm and 6am, although regional authorities have been given the power to set it one hour earlier or later. Furthermore, the state of alarm will allow the governments of the 17 regions, with health powers in Spain, to limit the movements into and out of their territories.


Neutralization tests carried out with both the pseudovirus and the wild virus confirmed that these molecules inhibit the viral infection caused by SARS-CoV-2.  EFE / Juan Ignacio Roncoroni / Archive
Neutralization tests carried out with both the pseudovirus and the wild virus confirmed that these molecules inhibit the viral infection caused by SARS-CoV-2. EFE / Juan Ignacio Roncoroni / Archive

The Argentine Ministry of Health reported that 284 new deaths and 9,253 new cases of covid-19 were confirmed on Sunday. With these registries, there are 1,090,589 positives in the country, of which 894,819 are cured patients and 166,874 are confirmed active cases. The victims amounted to 28,896.

On Friday 23 October, in the afternoon, President Alberto Fernández announced the extension of social, preventive and compulsory isolation (ASPO) for eight provinces and the metropolitan area of ​​Buenos Aires (AMBA). The president’s reference was in Santa Fe, Chubut, Córdoba, San Luis, Mendoza, Neuquén, Río Negro and Tucumán.

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