We have established a new alliance for the Jewish people


Despite unprecedented political, social and economic turmoil, mutual solidarity continues to anchor the world’s Jews in these troubled waters. But that solidarity is threatened by renewed pressure and the potential for rifts, which is why we are joining forces to establish Enter: the Jewish Peoplehood Alliance.

log intoThe mission of is to ensure that the Jewish people remain a dynamic, diverse, united, secure and inclusive global community. With the support of a diverse coalition of Israeli partners and the diaspora, we intend to build the achievements of those who are already working hard to build the camp of the Jewish people.

We are embarking on a marathon, not a sprint, and are focused on ways to instill more empathy, awareness and understanding. We believe these are the metrics that will be increasingly vital to secure our common future, which is why log into it is investing in the education of the Jewish people.

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The pandemic is drastically accelerating the adoption of digital communication platforms, but this is not being exploited to promote school-community twinning, a critical but underutilized arena across the Jewish world. While hampered by the pandemic, we know that these types of programs promote unity and inclusiveness.

log into is laying the foundation for the online experience mifgashim (dating) for teenagers, a key demographic. We are also developing certification and training activities that will help Israeli educators and communities harness the power of the people.

Immersive and relationship-based exchange programs have proven effective but also need to be adapted. Even before the pandemic, there was a growing awareness that these programs are heavily weighted in favor of participating in the diaspora. For too long, Israelis have been seen as “guests”. Greater mutuality is the key for Jews from different societies to deepen their common sense of belonging to people.

The successes of Birthright Israel and other immersive programs are well documented, but we are only on the verge of understanding how the deepening of people’s personalities within the Jewish state. For example, the study of the contemporary Jewish people in public education is only in its infancy, but it has enormous potential for raising awareness and strengthening literacy.

log into it also invests in public awareness.

In the fifteen years since Charles was first granted the privilege, as a non-citizen, to turn on one of 12 lighthouses on Israel’s Independence Day, this recognition has now become an annual tradition. More recognizable traditions that celebrate our interdependence must be promoted in Israel and throughout the Jewish world.

The Tel Aviv Jewish People’s Museum is at the forefront of these efforts and its recent transformation highlights all strands of Jewish life, from the ultra-Orthodox to the Reformation, from the twin poles of Israel and North America to the numerous vibrant communities that span the globe. The museum’s new campus and its extended educational programs reaching out into the Jewish world are forces for unity and a balm against today’s challenges.

log into it is also investing in measurement and is committed to supporting data-driven tools to assess the pulse of the Jewish people. We need more nuanced, evidence-based models that can identify the strengths and tensions that shape global Judaism. More critically, we need to further refine our collective understanding of the types of interventions that have the most profound impacts.

United, the Jewish people faced frightening challenges, achieving what neither of them could do alone. Whether we look at the founding of the State of Israel in 1948 or the Soviet and Ethiopian ones alikot, the combined action changed the face of Israel and the identity of Jews everywhere.

Opinion data suggest that there is a strong basis of solidarity and “shared destiny”, both in Israel and in the diaspora, despite the disagreements that exist over particular policies. This strong sense of belonging among Jews of all kinds coincides with a common desire for roots. We draw strength from a deep legacy, a precious refuge in a world of unprecedented upheaval.

Understandably, the focus today in much of the Jewish world is on the current pandemic, racial tensions, and strengthening the safety net of our communities, institutions and businesses. But we must also keep an eye on the next day and what will be needed to ensure an even stronger Jewish future.


Charles Bronfman is a philanthropist, Jewish community leader, and longtime investor in Israel. Co-founder of Birthright / Taglit, for decades he has been a major proponent of initiatives to strengthen the unity of the Jewish people and improve the quality of life in Israel.

Irina Nevzlin is chairman of the board of the Jewish People’s Museum and chairman of the NADAV Foundation. She is also the author of “The Impact of Identity: The Power of Knowing Who You Are”.

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