Vladimir Putin kills Turkish-backed Syrian rebels: Russian airstrike kills 78 Syrians – News source


The death toll from Russian airstrikes launched Monday on a military training camp belonging to Turkish-backed rebels in northwestern Syria has risen to 78, according to a monitoring NGO, cited by the dpa on Monday.

The UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (OSDO) said the camp was led by Faylaq al-Sham, an alliance of Sunni Islamist rebel groups aligned with Turkey, writes agerpres.ro.

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According to OSDO, another 100 were injured. The death toll is likely to rise as most of the injured are in serious condition.

Faylaq al-Sham, formed in 2014 and made up of 19 different groups, is expected to hold a graduation ceremony in the coming days for some 150 new field-trained fighters in the Harem region of Idlib province.

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Rami Abdel Rahman, the head of the observatory, said this is the incident with the highest number of victims after a fragile armistice between Moscow and Ankara entered into force in the area in March.

Russia and Iran have supported Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, while Turkey has supported opposition forces since the start of the 2011 uprising against al-Assad.

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Mustafa Naji, a spokesman for the Turkish National Liberation Front (FNL), said Russian planes had carried out the attack.

“The National Liberation Front has begun to respond to this crime by blowing up the positions of al-Assad’s gangs and Russian militias in several locations,” Naji said in a statement to Telegram.

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The Russian military said Monday it was continuing to monitor the ceasefire in Idlib, but did not comment on the air strikes. The Syrian government also uses Russian planes.

Idlib in northwestern Syria is the last rebel stronghold in a war-torn country. Russian-backed Syrian government forces launched an offensive in the region last year, causing concern to the United Nations, the dpa added.

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