Violent anti-restriction protests in northern Italy. Furious crowds set fire to and robbed luxury shops


New anti-pandemic measures in Italy have led to street protests in Turin and Milan. These turned into clashes with police and violent attacks by angry mobs, who threw firecrackers and other glowing objects and attacked and robbed shops, The Guardian reports.

In the center of Turin, several luxury shops were destroyed and looted after dark. Police responded with tear gas, trying to disperse anti-restriction protest groups. The scene of similar clashes was the city of Milan, the capital of the nearby Lombardy region, one of the most affected by the pandemic in its first wave.

Furious crowds sang “Freedom” as they clashed with the police. These tensions and violent protests come after a wave of other protests, peaceful, however, in several large cities of the country – in Treviso, Trieste, Rome, Naples, Salerno and Palermo. The Italian government again forced the closure of bars and restaurants after 6pm and the complete closure of gyms, cinemas and swimming pools in an attempt to control the second wave, which led to significantly more diseases than the first.

Publisher: Adrian Dumitru


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