Violence against migrants – Brutal “pushbacks”: EU reproaches Croatia – News



  • A video shows for the first time Croatian security forces in uniform and masks forcing migrants to return to Bosnia by force.
  • EU Interior Commissioner Ylva Johansson criticizes the Croatian authorities and describes the “pushbacks” as unacceptable.
  • The Croatian authorities deny the accusations.

EU Commissioner Johansson finds clear words: “The Croatian government must provide answers”. Comment the video from the Bosnian-Croatian border. “What is happening here is unacceptable and very worrying.”

Of course, not all people who wished could stay in the EU. But: «The rights and dignity of all people must be respected. And of course people cannot be beaten at the border, “Johansson told the” Rundschau. “The EU Commissioner for Migration is reacting to the new recordings published by” Der Spiegel “and available at SRF.

Masked men

The video was recorded by an asylum seeker at the Bosnian-Croatian border in March 2020. It shows frightened and soaked young people near a border river near Polyana. A man cries in pain and can barely stand up. Others support it. Men continue to look scared at the border.

Croatia wants to join the Schengen area

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Ylva Johansson, Swedish, has been the EU Commissioner for Migration and Home Affairs since 2019. With her efforts to reform EU migration policy, the Social Democrat is also committed to refugee rights. Johansson made a clear statement to the “Rundschau” about Croatia’s ambitions to join the Schengen area:

Johansson: “We have several reports from various external borders of pushbacks and allegations of non-compliance with the asylum law. This worries me very much, and that is why, with the new pact on migration and asylum, I propose a mandatory independent monitoring mechanism to be introduced at all external borders of the Member States. And also that all Member States should be obliged to investigate alleged push-backs “.

«Rundschau»: Croatia wants to join the Schengen area. Because of these violent push-backs, alleged human rights violations, is this still a possible scenario?

Johansson: “As I know the Council of the EU, it will be able to respond correctly – so that such situations at the borders do not happen again. If Croatia wants a positive decision in the Council, the violence and push-backs at the borders must stop “.

Four men stand in the background. They appear to be wearing different Croatian police uniforms, most of the faces are masked. One of them holds a long stick in his hand, one wields a whip.

“How it hit me blindly”

The “Rundschau” was able to speak with the crying man in the video a few days ago in Italy. The Pakistani said: “They pushed us into the river. The water was deep and I can’t swim. Another migrant took me to the Bosnian bank of the river “.

The officers wore black uniforms. “One had an iron bar with him. He hit me blindly several times. It was very painful. “Due to the accident, he is still suffering from anxiety and pain.

“Expel and intimidate collectively”

Jelena Sesar, Amnesty International expert in the Balkans, is indignant: “This is cruel and inhumane. It is one of the clearest records that officials show during an alleged push back to Croatia. “

The video demonstrates the systematic and illegal refusal of migrants at the EU’s external border via Croatia, which NGOs have been denouncing for years. “A clear case of collective expulsion, in violation of international law – without examining individual cases,” Sesar said.

Croatia rejects the accusations

The Interior Ministry in Zagreb announced: “The ministry is not aware of a border operation for this day and this place.” Migrants would injure themselves in discussions with each other and later accuse the police. Croatia always treats refugees fairly, police officers are not involved in acts of violence against migrants.


More on the subject in the “Rundschau” at 20:05 on SRF 1.

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