Video / Police beat a black man to death in a “super” in Brazil


Indignation! A video recorded with a cellphone by a witness and released by the media and networks captures the moment when Joao Silveira Freitas, 40, is attacked with multiple punches by one of the agents while the other kept him immobilized until he was reduced. .


The death this Thursday 19-N at night of a black man after receiving a beating at the hands of white security officers in a Carrefour group supermarket in Porto Alegre sparked a wave of indignation in Brazil, which this Friday commemorates the Day of Black Consciousness.

A video recorded with a cellphone by a witness and released by the media and social networks captures the moment when Joao Alberto Silveira Freitas, 40, is attacked with multiple punches by one of the agents while the other holds him immobilized. until reduction.

According to local press reports, based on testimony from the Military Brigade [Policía Militar, un cuerpo que depende de la autoridad de cada estado] from Rio Grande do Sul (south), the man threatened a supermarket worker, who called security officers, who beat him outside the center.

The emergency services tried to resuscitate the man, who ended up dying on the spot.

The two attackers were arrested. One of them is a temporary military police officer and works in that supermarket in his spare time.

In a statement, the Brazilian branch of the French group Carrefour lamented the “brutal death” of Silveira Freitas and assured that it will take “appropriate measures to hold those involved in this criminal case responsible”.

Carrefour “will break the contract with the company responsible for the security agents who committed the attack. The worker who was in charge of the supermarket at the time of the accident will be fired”.

In a statement, the Military Brigade said it “arrested all involved, including the Prime Minister [Policía Militar] temporary, whose behavior outside working hours will be analyzed with all the rigor of the law “.

This tragic event has sparked outrage on social networks since Thursday evening and rocked Black Awareness Day in Brazil this Friday, where it is a holiday in several states and protest events take place in several cities, including Sao Paulo and Rio. . of Janeiro.

“From 20 to 20 November and every day, the racist structure of this country brings us brutality as a rule!” Social activist Raull Santiago wrote on Twitter.

In Brazil, the last country in America to abolish slavery, in 1888 more than half of the 212 million inhabitants were black or mestizo. Afro-descendants suffer high rates of police and street violence, poverty and social exclusion.

According to the Atlas of Violence, published last August, the number of homicides of blacks increased by 11.5% between 2008 and 2018, while among non-blacks it decreased by 12.9%.

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