Video of police violence against blacks shocked France


IIn France, a new video has fueled a debate on police violence. Loopsider magazine released recordings Thursday showing three police officers massively beating a man. “If the judiciary detects a violation, I will ask for the release of the three police officers,” said Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin. They would have tarnished the reputation of the republic. The officers have been suspended.

The accident allegedly took place on Saturday in Paris. According to “Loopsider”, the black music producer Michel was on the street without the protective crown mask required in Paris. When he saw a police car, he quickly went to the production studio, the producer told the magazine. The video should be the surveillance camera recording from the music studio. The video shows the three policemen following the man and pushing him through the door. So you can see them beating Michel at the studio entrance for several minutes.

Massive wounds

He claims to have been racially insulted by the police several times and to have asked for help. “I didn’t understand what was going on,” said Michel “Loopsider”. He wondered if they were real police officers. Michel has finally managed to alert the musicians in the basement of the studio. Then you can see the police officers being pushed out of the studio. Subsequent images show the manufacturer with severe injuries. Police said “Loopsider” said Michel had resisted and was violent. “Luckily we have these videos,” said the producer’s attorney.

The incident occurred in the midst of a debate over a new law to limit video footage of police operations. Prime Minister Jean Castex announced Thursday night after sustained criticism that an independent commission should work on redrafting the controversial article. Only earlier this week did videos of a brutal eviction of a migrant camp in Paris cause dismay.


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