Venezuela worried about the situation between the Sahrawi Republic and Morocco | news


Venezuela has expressed its concern over the tense situation between the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic and Morocco and therefore hopes for a prompt solution to the conflict between the two sides.


The Polisario Front declares war on Morocco

In a statement, the Venezuelan foreign ministry has urged the UN to appoint a new special envoy who can mediate between the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic and Morocco.

In the text, Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza indicated that Venezuela is following with concern the reactivation of an armed conflict between the two countries.

On Friday morning, the Polisario Front declared war on Morocco, assuring it is the “firm response” after a Moroccan army incursion that attacked Sahrawi civilian demonstrators in Western Sahara.

This was reported by the Moroccan news agency MAP in the early hours of Friday
Morocco has sent a military offensive in the Guerguerat area to put an end to the demonstration of Sahrawi civilians who have peacefully blocked the border crossing since 21 October.

Morocco’s foray into Sahrawi territory put an end to the direct confrontation with the Sahrawi army which tried to protect the affected civilians.

The Polisario Front accuses Morocco of having “flagrantly” violated the ceasefire by entering the territory and attacking Sahrawi civilians. The tension remains in the area where both armies are face to face.

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