Venezuela expressed condolences for Walid Al Moallem’s physical departure


The Foreign Minister of the Republic, Jorge Arreaza, through his official account on the social network Twitter @jaarreaza reported that Venezuela extends its words of condolence, solidarity and deep respect to the Government and the People of the Syrian Arab Republic and joins the mourning the physical departure of his brother, deputy prime minister and minister of foreign and expatriate affairs, Walid Al Moallem.

“Venezuela expresses its words of condolence, solidarity and deep respect to the government and people of the Syrian Arab Republic and joins the mourning for the physical departure of his brother Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates, Walid Al Moallem” , wrote Arreaza.

Through a statement released by the Foreign Ministry, Venezuela assures that Walid Al Moallem’s courage and ideals are a source of inspiration for defenders of just and deserving causes around the world.

Below is the complete content of the Press Release:


For her part, the Executive Vice President of the Republic, Delcy Rodríguez, also deplored the death of the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates, Walid Al Moallem, through the same social network.

“Our condolences to the fraternal people and the government of Syria, and in particular to the relatives and friends of Foreign Minister Walid Al-Moallem. He represented his country with height and dignity in the hardest moments and in the aggressions provoked by the imperial powers! Fly high chancellor! “Wrote Rodríguez.

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