Why do some people suffer more if they are infected with the coronavirus, but many have only weak symptoms or no symptoms at all? The American Society for Microbiology has now published a study with a surprising answer: Measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccination could play an important role.
The higher the concentration of antibodies in the blood due to MMR vaccination, the weaker the symptoms of Covid-19. Hence the severity of the disease is inversely related to the strength of the body’s vaccine response. In total, only 80 people were screened in the study. But the results are so good that they make you sit down and take note.
Vaccination is essential
The crazy thing about the study result: The researchers found the correlation only in vaccinated people. In people without the MMR vaccination, the researchers were unable to show a connection between the antibodies and a lighter course. So even not with people who had survived one of the diseases in the past.
Antibodies to mumps are essential
Another important result of the study: only the antibodies to mumps from vaccination are decisive. The amount in the blood accurately reflects the severity of a Covid disease: the more mumps antibodies in the blood, the milder the course.
The ten people with the most antibodies even developed corona immunity. They entered the study because they had been in the vicinity of patients with unprotected crowns for a long time, but were not yet sick. Eight tested positive but developed no symptoms. 17 had a mild course, eleven a moderate and four a severe one.
The study authors write that they started the study last March. They noted at the time that countries with large-scale MMR vaccination campaigns had the fewest corona deaths. A total of 34 similar studies are mentioned in the paper, which demonstrated various effects against corona with MMR vaccination.
Important knowledge in the fight against the Crown
The authors point out that with these findings they want to help us understand the pandemic and provide doctors with important knowledge on how to fight the pandemic, even before effective corona vaccination is available to all. The study leaves open what the outcome actually means for the care of the sick.
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