US: US Attorney General Gives Green Light to Investigate Election Fraud – US Elections 2020 – International


The head of the US Department of Justice, William Barr, has given them general clearance to investigate voting irregularities for federal prosecutors across the country.

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Meanwhile, President Donald Trump continues to claim he lost the presidential election due to fraud, but he has presented no evidence of this.

Barr, a faithful squire of Trump, indicated in his letter to prosecutors across the country that this does not indicate that the Justice Department already has evidence of genuine cases in the election won by Democrat Joe Biden.

But nevertheless, This frees officials from the old restrictions on this type of investigation, in the midst of a bitter political debate in the United States where Republicans denounced that there were illegal votes and illegality in the count, without providing evidence.

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“Since the voting in the current elections ended, I authorize you to investigate significant allegations of irregularities in the voting and counting process, before the certification of the elections in their jurisdictions, “Barr said.

After studying the new rules and their ramifications, unfortunately I have to resign

The top official appointed by Trump said so prosecutors that “these investigations or reviews should be conducted when there are clear complaints and seemingly credible irregularities, which if proven true, could potentially affect the outcome of federal elections in a given state. “

After such notification, the Head of the Electoral Crimes Service, who oversees the fraud investigation, Richard Pilger has announced his resignation, according to various national media. Pilger explained his decision in an email sent to his team.

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“After studying the new rules and their ramifications, I sadly have to resign,” he wrote, according to ‘The New York Times’.

Joe Biden

US President-elect Joe Biden, who won the November 3 election.

Fraud investigations are usually the responsibility of states, which set their own rules. The Department of Justice policy so far has been to wait for the vote count to be certified, the count is complete and the elections are over before we get involved.

Barr told prosecutors that this practice has never been such a strongly binding rule and that if they see anything that could reverse the November 3 election results, they should investigate.

Trump, in an unprecedented position for an American president, still does not recognize the triumph of his rival, insisting on allegations of fraud. But although his team went to court, there was no evidence of significant wrongdoing.

(Read on: “CNN” analyst’s heartwarming reaction to Biden’s victory.)

The president’s team is struggling to challenge the results and reverse them in several key states where Biden has won by a narrow margin: Pennsylvania, Nevada, Georgia and Arizona. These votes gave the Democrat a majority in the constituency sufficient to win the US presidential election.


Read also:

– ‘Fake News’: Did you find rejected votes for Trump?
– Has the interference of Colombian politicians in the elections upset Biden?


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