US President-elect Biden’s tough battle has just begun


US President Donald Trump first declared on November 26 that he will step down if the constituency votes for Joe Biden. But he also made it clear that he is unwilling to concede. Meanwhile, Biden is moving forward with his transition to the White House after being approved by the Government Services Administration. And he announced a handful of key government figures.

Is Biden ready to enter the White House? What challenges await him?

Josef Gregory Mahoney, a professor of politics at East China Normal University, said, “He (Joe Biden) needs to move quickly on COVID-19, both with containment efforts and by launching an effective vaccination strategy.

“With Janet Yellen – [Biden’s choice for the Treasury secretary], trying to give some sort of economic stimulus package in progress, all these are moments of crises that intersect and that pressure will be very overwhelming. “

Mahoney believed Biden was signaling he will move aggressively towards that. With the polarization of the country, it will be very difficult for him.

Brandon Andrews, a former Capitol Hill staff member, said Biden will want to take action on the pandemic, and then the economy, and then address some of the civil unrest we have seen in the country over the past year.

But one of the biggest differences between Biden and Trump, in terms of approach, would be looking at cooperation whether it is direct bilateral cooperation between the US and China, or international cooperation and coalition building.

Economically, Andrews believed that while Biden and Trump are very different people, they may have some consistency in terms of the pressure the Biden administration will put on China.

However, Zhao Hai, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said Biden’s policy towards China would be very different from Trump. He explained that Trump’s Chinese policy is disorganized with disrespect, change, uncertainty and all sorts of disturbances throughout his presidency.

Mahoney added that Trump’s approach to China is not only disorganized and somewhat antagonistic, it has also undermined the US position. “So, it could be very easy for Biden to reverse these policies,” he said.

But a broader general question is involved here, as pointed out by Einar Tangen, an independent topical commentator. He said there is always a countdown timer in the United States: the elections are over, but there is a medium term. Therefore, Biden has to make a huge turnover in less than two years if he expects to win midterms and gain support.

Tangen also said Obama lost the semester and this had an impact on his presidency. There is now a Senate race in Georgia; if Biden doesn’t get those seats, he’ll be severely hampered.

Looking at Biden’s transition team and new appointees, Zhao stressed that there will be seasoned professionals in the office and that China and the US can reopen their communication channels and start talking about issues that worry both sides.

However, Mahoney recalled that before Trump was elected, people in China were worried that Hilary Clinton would be elected. Its “infamous pivot” to Asia indicated that the United States was considering taking a more aggressive stance towards China.

“Now we have Biden coming back, and even if it’s Obama 2.0, it’s still going to be something that’s taking a tougher line on China. When I hear Trump say, ‘Make America Great Again’ and ‘America First’, and then I hear Biden. Say “America’s Back”, I really hear similar messages. We will see different approaches. Biden’s approach will be more pragmatic, it will be easier for Beijing to respond; Trump has been more radical, “Mahoney said.

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