US last minute election: Trump’s declaration of cheating! There are many claims …


Another Trump Statement!

Donald Trump, who lost the election based on the unofficial results of the presidential election held in the United States, said the election was manipulated and said, “The allegations should be investigated.

Donald Trump, who lost the presidential election in the US, said on Twitter: “There are a lot of statements about scammers. The allegations should be investigated.”

Expressing that the votes are just starting to be tabulated, Trump continued his words as follows:

“We have to look into the allegations here. We see a lot of written declarations of voter fraud. We have a history in this country where the elections have been problematic.”

“We believe these people are thieves,” Donald Trump blamed Biden’s side. “This was a stolen election. The pollster in England wrote this morning that this was clearly a stolen election, impossible to imagine Biden leaving Obama in some of these states,” Trump said.

USA 2020 election results

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