US Elections: Trump Says He Will Leave White House If Biden’s Victory Confirmed – US Elections 2020 – International


US President Donald Trump said Thursday he will leave the White House if Joe Biden is officially confirmed as the winner of the US election, but reiterated he may not admit defeat.

The president launched an unprecedented political and judicial effort to challenge the election results and imposed several unsupported lawsuits that were overturned by courts across the country.

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In a meeting with reporters, the first since the election in which he answered questions, the president came close to admitting that he will only serve his first term until he is replaced by Biden on January 20.

When asked if he would leave the White House in case the Electoral College confirmed Biden’s victory, he replied: “Of course I will. And you know it.” However, “if they did, they would be making a mistake,” Trump said.

He added: “It will be very difficult to concede” Biden’s victory. “It was a massive fraud,” he said again about the November 3 elections without providing evidence.

The Republican described the electoral infrastructure of states “like that of a third world country”. He previously said on Twitter that “this was a 100% rigged election”. On Wednesday he had urged his parties to “reverse” the results.

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Donald Trump and Joe Biden,

Donald Trump and Joe Biden,.


Chris Kleponis EFE / Drew Angerer. AFP

Bide, for his part, said Wednesday that the Americans “will not support” any attempt to ignore the verdict at the polls.

With his reluctance to give in to Biden, Trump, who has broken countless rules in his four years in office, appears to be shaping his political terrain. Supporters of the 74-year-old president suggest he is already considering the announcement that he will run for president in 2024.

Among his various complaints about the elections is that voting machines deliberately removed millions of votes, despite the fact that the US electoral authorities said they were the “safest” elections in history.

(Further: What are the difficult diplomatic issues that Biden will face?)

Following pressure from his party’s influential leaders, Trump concluded this week by giving the green light to officially begin the transition to the change of command, which implies allowing Biden access to all the information he needs.

For his part, the Democrat officially unveiled his diplomacy and national security teams and said “America is back, soon to lead the world.” “These public officials will restore America’s moral and global leadership,” the 78-year-old leader said, introducing his aides.

Biden assured that in his first 100 days in the White House he will dedicate himself to fighting the COVID-19 crisis, eliminating Trump’s policies that he considers “harmful” to the environment and proposing laws that offer millions of undocumented residents a path to citizenship.

(You can continue reading: Putin explained why he did not congratulate Biden after winning the election)



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