US Elections: This is how dirty the election campaign for Senate seats in Georgia is


Electoral authorities in the US state of Georgia showed the recount in live streaming, but Trump supporters, protesting alleged election fraud, have not calmed down. You’re suspicious of the chief election officer, a Republican. He also reported requests from Senator Lindsay Graham, who recently became loyal to Trump, to invalidate mail-order votes.

Wolf Blitzer, moderator of CNN
“You say Senator Graham was looking for ways to refuse legal votes.”
Brad Raffensperger, chief election overseer of Georgia
“It can be deduced from his request to see exactly how many votes could be rejected.”

The election supervisor even received unambiguous threats from his party friends, citing: »You shouldn’t get this recount wrong. Your life depends on it. “

Ralf Neukich, DER SPIEGEL
The electoral gleanings in Georgia reminded me a lot of an absurd theater, there are many factors that I would not have believed possible that would have played a role in such an outcome. It’s a total mess, at least in the public eye. In the end, however, it remains: the elections in Georgia went smoothly. There was no election fraud. The machines counted correctly. Manual counting has the same result as machine counting. And Joe Biden won the majority in Georgia. “

And it remains so: the recount changes only the previous final result of a few hundred votes.
Biden managed to steal Trump’s votes, particularly in the greater Atlanta area. The Democrats have also won in other larger cities. The political map of Georgia has changed, whether the incumbent wants to admit it or not.
The race for the two Senate mandates from Georgia will be more important, because this is where the future majority in the US Senate will decide. The Senate elections were also extremely close: Republican David Perdue won, but lost an absolute majority. The ballot for the two places is scheduled for January 5.

Ralf Neukirch, DER SPIEGEL
“If the Democrats win these two ballots, the Senate will be 50-50. Then the Democrats will have 50 votes and the Republicans will have 50 votes.
The race is incredibly tight. In the first round of voting, none of the candidates reached 50%. If you add up the votes, however, the Republicans were just ahead of both races in the Senate. So it will be very, very difficult for the Democrats to win these two elections. “

David Perdue, Acting Senator
“If he wins, I win. If I win, she wins. “

The two Republicans have already started their joint election campaign. They want to defend their mandates in the Senate and clarify what it actually is:

Kelly Loeffler, Acting Senator
“Make no mistake: we are the protective wall. Not just for the US Senate – but also for America’s future. “

(Kelly Loeffler election advertisement)
»Meet Raphael Warnock …«
Kelly Loeffler’s election commercial attacks her direct competitor, Pastor Raphael Warnock:
“… a Marxist, a socialist …”
(Election advertisement by David Perdue)
»Now let’s take Georgia. Then let’s change America “
The tactics of the Republicans are tried and tested: their messages play with the fear of “radical” Democrats entering the Senate – with devastating consequences:
“When they are in charge, America will never be the same again. Save America: donate now “.

The amount of money devoted to this new election campaign is considerable. News channel CNN reports that candidates will invest more than $ 55 million in their campaigns by the end of the year, of which Republicans will spend the lion’s share of $ 47 million.

The Democrats will likely go even further. So far, moderator Jon Ossoff has mainly advertised topics like health policy – with the help of his wife, a doctor.
(Jon Ossoff election spot)
“My husband, Jon Ossoff, has made it a goal that everyone in Georgia has access to health care.”

( commercial)
The so-called PACs, that is, political support networks independent of the candidates, jump to the side of the Democrats with negative campaigns. Your accusation: Republican senators had enriched themselves with inside information on the pandemic on the stock exchange.

Ralf Neukirch, DER SPIEGEL
“The campaign is also dirty on a personal level. So Democratic candidate Raphael Warnock must repel the violent attacks of his Republican opponent, who claims to be a socialist, has good relations with Fidel Castro and wants to help socialism break through in Washington. Of course, these are all completely nonsensical claims that are easy to refute. But it’s an election campaign like Trump would, full of lies and slander. And Mike Pence will also actively intervene in this election campaign, the Vice President. So basically this is now a continuation of the presidential election campaign at the Senate level and is being carried out with exactly the same nasty means. “

President-elect Joe Biden will have to keep an eye on Georgia: a Republican-majority Senate would make governing much more difficult. Leading Republicans have already announced a blockade policy. So the showdown in Georgia is about none other than the next four years of politics in the United States.

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