US attorney agrees to investigate Trump’s allegations


Based on the fact that there are “substantive allegations” of possible election fraud in the November 3 presidential election, the US Attorney General, William Barr, gave the authorization last night to start the judicial investigations of which there is room.

According to the Associated Press (AP) agency that released the news, the bailiff, the investigations must be carried out before the release of the official certification for the new president of the main world power which, according to all the counts supported by the electoral bodies of that country is the Democrat Joe Biden.

The current president of the United States, the Republican Donald Trump, to reiterate several times that, in his opinion, irregularities occurred in the counts with which the constituencies are granted during the elections.

However, his remarks were not supported by any kind of evidence and, on the contrary, were only maintained in the public speeches he gave and in the various messages on his social networks.

For this he refused to accept his defeat against Biden and since the same November 3 has started at least six lawsuits against the count of the votes in Georgia, Michigan, Nevada and Pennsylvania, the states in which the preliminary results showed his defeat and whose votes elections were needed for him to stay another term in the White House.

President Trump is asking the courts to remove the validity of the first votes that arrived in the mail and that were counted in the hours following last Tuesday.

This, he said, because at the start of the vote, when the first in-person polls were underway that Tuesday, he was leading in places like Georgia, Michigan and Pennsylvania, but the trend changed when the numbers were counted. votes. early voting.

David Castrillón, An International Systems researcher at Externado University, explains that the success of these lawsuits depends on the evidence that the Republican legal team manages to bring to justice about the alleged irregularities.

“The courts will not allow him to take one state or another simply because he insists there has been fraud. The legal phase of the electoral process began this Monday and so far all the rumors about the alleged fraud have been denied, ”says the expert.

In any case, according to a statement from the Associated Press agency, Attorney Barr has decided to proceed with the investigation.


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