US 2020 elections. Because we still don’t know who won the US presidency


The result of the US elections is long overdue. Joe Biden is currently ahead of Donald Trump, but the race is tight in several key states.

CNN forecasts show that Joe Biden leads with 253 electoral votes, while Donald Trump has 213 votes. To win, a candidate needs the vote of 270 out of a total of 538 voters.


USA 2020 elections. Because we still don’t know who won

The election result is delayed due to the very small difference in votes between the two candidates in several key states, but also due to the fact that over 100 million votes were sent by post, in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic.

In 2016, the first information about Donald Trump’s victory appeared on election night at 2:30 local time, after the victory in the state of Wisconsin had brought him a total of 270 voters.

Political analysts had expected a delay in the counting of votes this year, and now there is talk of November 23 as the deadline to know the final result.

Joe Biden told the Americans he was confident of victory. Instead, incumbent President Donald Trump continues to say his rival is “trying to steal the election” and has filed lawsuits in several states to stop counting or recounting votes.

There is currently no evidence of widespread fraud in the presidential race.

Donald Trump’s election team is calling for a recount of votes in Michigan, Wisconsin and Georgia, arguing that their election observers “did not have access to multiple polling stations to observe the ballot count.” Additionally, Republicans are asking the Supreme Court to intervene in Pennsylvania, where the rules for these elections have been changed by a court decision.

Once you arrive, voting by mail takes longer to count. The rules for counting these votes vary from state to state.

Most states only include ballots received before the polls close on voting day in their final tally.

Other states, such as California, accept votes cast by election day, even if they are delivered weeks later.

Delays can also occur due to the fact that most states only started counting votes by post after the polls closed. Few states, including Florida, started counting a few days earlier.

In 2016 the votes were fully counted after one month. Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton won several popular votes, but Donald Trump had already gotten enough votes from voters.


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