United States: Thousands of People Line Up to Eat Free | news


The economic crisis intensified by the Covid-19 pandemic continues to rage in the United States, where some 27 million people have applied for government unemployment assistance, according to data from the Department of Labor.


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One example is that thousands of people lined up in their cars in Dallas, Texas this Saturday to get food from the North Texas Food Bank (NTFB) before Thanksgiving. next week. The organization ensured that the food delivery was the largest to date.

More than 6,000 cars and about 25,000 people were served by volunteers and food bank staff during the approximately five-hour event, Anna Kurian, NTFB’s Director of Marketing and Communications told the local press.

The food bank distributed 600,000 pounds of food, including 7,280 turkeys, to families during the Mobile Food Pantry day. Footage of the event showed huge lines of cars waiting to collect food and workers packing vehicles with boxes and bags of supplies.

From March to September, the organization distributed over 63 million meals, a 45% increase over 2019. It provided more than 60 million pounds of food in that period, marking a 72% increase over the same period. of last year.

Kurian said the food bank has seen an increase in the need of all agencies in its food web since the start of the pandemic, with at least 40% of people “walking through the doors” being “new to them and Covid. -19 “.

A report from Northwestern University’s Institute for Political Research (IPR) in June reported that food insecurity has doubled overall and tripled for families with children following the pandemic, based on data from United’s Pulse Survey in Households. States Census Bureau.

Even so, the current US government, led by Donald Trump, has limited its financial support to the families that have suffered most from the negative effects of the pandemic.

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