Trump’s vertigo against Biden’s calm a week before the election


The Democrat continues to rise in the polls. The Republican president remains frantic trying to climb the slope in key states.


The American election campaign began its final week on Tuesday, October 27, with a stark contrast between the two candidates: the dizzying agenda of the current president, Republican Donald Trump, with several daily demonstrations, versus the more sedate style of the Democratic candidate. , Joe Biden, who leads the polls.

If political competition in the United States usually has shades of cinematic suspense, in 2020, amid the coronavirus pandemic and deep economic crisis, the twists and turns of the script never cease to surprise.

“In this election there is a choice between a super recovery for Trump and a depression with Biden,” the president said at a political event in Allentown, Pennsylvania.

It was the first of three demonstrations that Trump is offering this Monday, just hours away, in one of the key states for victory in the November 3 election.

The polls

After Pennsylvania voted for the Democratic candidate for two decades, Trump surprised and prevailed in 2016.

Polls, however, place the state-born Biden slightly above the current president.

For this reason, in a place with an important weight in the energy sector, especially “fracking”, a controversial technique for the extraction of hydrocarbons by hydraulic fracturing, Trump has marked the distances with his rival who has accused of wanting to “abolish the ‘oil industry’ with its ‘obsession’ with green energy.

“Electricity bills skyrocketed, with no air conditioning in the summer, no heating in the winter,” the Republican said of the consequences of eventual defeat.

He took advantage of the opportunity to resort to sarcasm about Biden’s wind-powered plans and imagine a familiar scene: “We see President Trump on television.” Sorry, we can’t. There is no wind today, honey, “he joked.

Despite the humor, the truth is that polls aren’t in favor of the president, who faces fierce controversy in traditionally Republican states like Florida or Georgia.

Biden rests

Faced with the gruff style of his rival, former Vice President Joe Biden, he took a day off and spent the day meeting his team at his Wilmington, Delaware home.

“I will not ban ‘fracking’ in Pennsylvania. I will protect jobs in Pennsylvania, period. It doesn’t matter how many times Donald Trump lies,” Biden said in a statement.

To be precise, tomorrow he plans to travel to Georgia, the southern state of the United States, where polls indicate they are practically tied, and on Thursday he will be in Florida.

The virus fired

Trump has moved from one act to another relentlessly, insisting on achievements in the fight against the pandemic, which has already caused more than 225,000 deaths from covid-19 in the United States.

“We did a great job. We are absolutely moving on,” said the president at his second rally, in Lititz, also in Pennsylvania.

Trump has again downplayed the virus by ensuring that both he and his wife, the first lady, Melania Trump, have got over it and “feel fine.”

And he stressed that the country cannot afford an economic closure, which would lead, he said, Biden to win the elections.

The new resurgence of cases in the United States primarily affects the Midwest and states that cross the Rocky Mountains, including some territories that will be key in the November 3 elections, such as Wisconsin or Ohio.

Adding to the confusion, White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows said on Sunday that the United States “will not control the pandemic” because covid-19 “is a contagious virus,” but hopes to obtain “vaccines, treatments and others. ways to mitigate it. “


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