Trump’s heir to the throne: Ivanka and “Don Junior” are Trump’s eldest sons – and possibly his successors soon


Trump’s heir to the throne: Ivanka and “Don Junior” are Trump’s eldest sons – and possibly his successors soon

The current president of the United States has five children. The two older ones would like to inherit from their father. Are we just seeing the beginning of a new American political dynasty?

Will she be America's first female president?  Ivanka Trump (39) thinks she has what it takes.

Will she be America’s first female president? Ivanka Trump (39) thinks she has what it takes.


Hillary Clinton had to think briefly when she was asked in a televised debate during the 2016 election campaign if she could also say something positive about her opponent Donald Trump: “Her children. They are incredibly talented and dedicated, “Clinton said.

Without a doubt they are – and incredibly ambitious. At least the two eldest children Donald Trump Junior, 42, and Ivanka, 39. While third son Eric, 36, focuses on his work in his father’s company (the “Trump Organization”), Tiffany, 27, ago news with his crown parties and 14-year-old Barron, who stands out mainly for his size (towering over his not-so-small, half-headed father), Donald Junior and Ivanka have been heavily involved in Washington in recent years. Ivanka as a White House consultant, “Don Junior” as a sharp-tongued all-round weapon in the election campaign, where she sparked a storm of enthusiasm with her slogan “Let’s make the left cry”. Both suggested they could imagine following in their father’s footsteps in four years.

A terribly powerful family: Donald Junior, Melania, Donald, Ivanka, Eric and Tiffany Trump.

A terribly powerful family: Donald Junior, Melania, Donald, Ivanka, Eric and Tiffany Trump.


A junior version of Donald Trump in the White House? Ivanka Trump as the first president of the United States? This is more realistic than some think. In a poll by the Axios platform, 29 percent of Republicans said they will vote for Donald Junior in 2024. 16 percent would vote for Ivanka.

The fact that the stardom factor in the US presidential election is at least as important as the promises in terms of content has been true in America ever since the election of film actor Ronald Reagan in 1980. Even Joe Biden would hardly have stood against his young and older fresh in the primaries without her celebrity status as effective competitors.

The famous Trump children are therefore already in pole position as possible future candidates. While many hopeful Republicans are still hopping into the depths of the party, Donald Junior and Ivanka have long appeared on the surface and are competing for attention, not only for that of their father, but also for that of the American electorate.

When the father refused to hug his son

Don Junior still has problems with the former. Trump’s offspring are likely to have painful memories of the time in Wisconsin when his father refused to hug him in front of cheering supporters, even though he had previously wholeheartedly promoted him. The relationship with his father, who once described his son as “not quite the brightest boy”, was complicated after the divorce from Trump and his first wife (Don Junior’s mother). After the separation, father and son had not exchanged a word for a whole year.

“Don Junior” is “even more trumpet than Trump”, say some observers.


The 42-year-old, divorced father of five children, has secured the affection of the republican masses. Not least thanks to his new girlfriend, Kimberly Guilfoyle, who once worked for “Fox News” and is now promoting it. Don Junior is considered a kind of rebellious version of his father. Some say it is “even more trumpet than Trump”. It knows no rhetorical chains. He recently recommended “total war” to his father to expose the alleged electoral fraud.

After his father’s electoral defeat (which the Trump clan has not yet admitted), Don Junior actively sought greater influence within the Republican Party, according to “CNN”. He blames the party leaders for the electoral defeat against the Democrats and wants to take the reins. An indication of how serious he is with his political ambitions. In 2017, he was briefly discussed as a candidate for mayor of New York City. And just a few weeks ago he had his picture taken next to a huge “Don Junior 2024” poster. He himself says that “he simply cannot get away from politics”.

Don Junior and the bloody elephant tail

But Don Junior has already provided his opponents with enough material to make his life difficult as a possible candidate. There are, for example, photos of the enthusiastic hunter who as a boy went to his grandfather’s hunting vacation every year in what was then Czechoslovakia. As an adult, he was drawn to Zimbabwe and Mongolia, where he repeatedly set his sights on protected animal species. Once he even had himself photographed with the severed and bloody tail of an elephant.

There are no images of Ivanka that damage the image, on the contrary. The 39-year-old strives to give the image of a kind and confident woman. Ivanka is like her father, simply without edges, writes journalist Andrea Bernstein in her book “American Oligarchs”.

A kiss for the eldest daughter: Donald Trump has never hidden who his favorite son is.

A kiss for the eldest daughter: Donald Trump has never hidden who his favorite son is.


She followed her father to the White House as a consultant and, de facto “Second First Lady”, had a great influence on the President. When he showed him photos of children who died in Syria in 2017, the US president decided to launch a missile attack on Bashar Al-Assad’s military facilities.

Additionally, however, Ivanka primarily used her time in the White House for networking. While her husband Jared Kushner took on a gigantic portfolio of responsibilities as a consultant (the “Secretary for Everything” was responsible for China, the Middle East, the Crown, the border wall and the climate), Ivanka spent a lot of time on the international stage Swarming the rulers of this world. At the 2017 G20 summit in Hamburg, she appeared as the vice president of the United States and discussed global political problems with Angela Merkel, Shinzo Abe, Vladimir Putin and the like.

Donald Trump himself never hid his pride in his eldest son. At times the admiration of the father took rather confused forms. Years ago, Trump said in a televised interview: “If Ivanka wasn’t my daughter, I would take her on a date.” As president he stressed:

“Ivanka would be very, very difficult to beat as a candidate.”

Like Trump, but without edges: this is how the journalist Andrea Bernstein describes Trump's daughter, Ivanka.

Like Trump, but without edges: this is how the journalist Andrea Bernstein describes Trump’s daughter, Ivanka.


Ivanka’s big announcement

When the mother-of-three cut her hair to the shoulders in fall 2019, it was considered a sign of her political ambitions. Do you want to bring order to chaos? Draw a straight line? Copy Hillary Clinton? The latter is at least partially true. Journalist Michael Wolff writes in his book “Feuer und Wut” that Ivanka made it clear before the 2016 election:

“The first female president of the United States will not be Hillary, I will.”

It is becoming clear that modern America will soon have to deal with a fourth family dynasty after the Bushes, Kennedys and Clintons. Only one could prevent it: Donald Trump himself, the 74-year-old is expected to run again in four years. Now it seems difficult to imagine that “The Donald” will miss the opportunity to personally return to the field against Joe Biden.

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