Trump’s campaign accuses Venezuela of intervening in the elections | news


Donald Trump’s campaign attorney Sidney Powell accused Venezuela and Cuba of “interfering in the presidential elections”. In a press conference, Powell said voting software company Dominion Voting Systems has changed the accounts.


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During the meeting, the lawyer said that the money to finance the company “came from Venezuela, Cuba and perhaps China”. According to the Trump team member, the system was created in order to change the votes. Powell also assured that this mechanism has previously been used in Venezuela and Argentina.

Similarly, Rudy Giuliani, the US president’s personal lawyer, assured that Dominion “is linked to Venezuela, Cuba and other global players who do not want Trump to continue as president”.

On Monday, Powell posted some of his alleged evidence on Twitter. It consisted of three screenshots of an affidavit that, according to her, was signed by a former Venezuelan military officer about the elections in that country. The images were incomplete and did not include a name or signature, and Ms. Powell also did not respond to requests to view the full document.

Sidney Powell, a lawyer on Donald Trump’s electoral legal team and representing former National Security Advisor Michael T. Flynn, was a leading source and proponent of viral conspiracy theories on the exchange of votes.

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