Trump Supporters Protest In Washington Against Alleged Fraud | US elections


Washington received thousands of Trumpists on Saturday who traveled long distances to support the US president and echo the allegations with no evidence of election fraud. The US capital, which took to the streets in droves a week ago to celebrate Joe Biden’s triumph, has seen the other side of America, the one that refuses to concede victory to the Democrat. Donald Trump made a brief appearance around 10 a.m., almost two hours before the summons in the heart of the city. From his official car, the Republican president greeted his bases with a smile and then headed to his golf club in the Virginia suburbs.

“Four more years! Four more years!” Shouted supporters of the outgoing president, most without masks. The banners called for “Stop fraud” and for “legal votes” to be counted. In the Washington capital, 90% voted for Biden. Overall, you see few red caps from Make America great again (MAGA, for its acronym in English) on the street and in the four years of the Trump administration, no mass demonstration in favor of the president has been called. But this Saturday the city has completely changed its face. There were no slogan shirts Black lives matter no masks of Judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg, as often happens at demonstrations in Washington. American flags, military trousers and even cowboy hats reigned.

Trump tweeted that “hundreds of thousands of people” had shown him support this Saturday and said they would not lend themselves to “a rigged and corrupt election!” Hours earlier and from her personal Twitter account, White House spokeswoman Kayleigh McEnany celebrated “one million attendees”. However, the estimates of the main local media speak of “a couple of thousand” of demonstrators. The Park Service clearance was for an event of 10,000 attendees.

Dozens of members of the Proud Boys, a far-right group that the FBI links to white nationalism and misogyny, traveled to the capital. Trump had told them in a televised debate to stay alert, wait. “Stand back and wait,” Trump said of the extremist group when Biden called on him to sentence them. They did not want to release statements to the press, but they made themselves heard when they sang “Fanculo l’Antifa” out loud through the streets of the center. Among those who marched to the Capitol was Alex Jones, an Infowars pilot. The announcer has been spreading the most toxic theories of the far right in the United States for years and has been banned on YouTube, Apple, Facebook and Spotify.

Mary, 57, came from Northern Virginia because, she explained, “no one understands what’s going on, at least none of us following Trump.” He criticizes the “witch hunt” of the Russian conspiracy and the “stupid” trial of impeachment. Use exactly the same language as the Republican president. A Venezuelan celebrated the second amendment, which defends the right to have and to bear arms, through a megaphone, and thousands of Trumpists burst into cheers. Visible weapons are prohibited in Washington, but the protesters succeeded. Some wear t-shirts with printed machine guns and there was one that covered the back with an American flag where guns were instead of stars.

This Friday, ten days after the election, the projections produced a final result of 306 electoral votes for Biden (well over the 270 required to win the election) and 232 for Trump. The legal battle waged by the Republicans is not bearing fruit. Pennsylvania, Michigan and Arizona have reduced the US president’s hopes by ending their lawsuits for lack of evidence. Wlliam Melhem, 53, traveled from Pennsylvania to the capital for the first time. “It’s not fair what’s going on, but I think it has already been done, however it’s important that we manifest ourselves so that they know we disagree,” he explains. “They may never be able to prove [el fraude], but we will do what we have to do ”.

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