Trump suggests for the first time that there will be a new government | US elections


Donald Trump, during his press conference this Friday in the White House.
Donald Trump, during his press conference this Friday in the White House.Evan Vucci / AP

It has never been clearer than this afternoon from the White House that President Donald Trump lives with his back to reality. Shortly before his appearance, the United States received news that Joe Biden had 306 electoral votes against the Republican’s 232. Trump remains entrenched and refuses to accept that he has become the first president to lose reelection this century (and the tenth in US history).

When it became known that the president would speak at 4 p.m. (local time), the first time he has done so since Joe Biden was confirmed as president-elect last Saturday, it became known that he was going to speak about the vaccine of the coronavirus pandemic, but one could only speculate that he got out of the script and made some reference to the electoral process, which the president considers a fraud, or to the winner of the election. There was only one evening.

“This administration will not go into lockdown. Let’s hope that … whatever happens … who knows what government there will be … time will tell, but I can say that this government will not go to jail. “So far this is how close the president has come to admitting defeat. . “I have said it many times, the solution cannot be worse than the problem. If you can see what happens with the complaints, the depression, the drugs, the alcohol, the unemployment …”. And he insisted: “This administration will not make complaints under any circumstances “.

What Donald Trump did was almost a decalogue of how his administration performed well in handling the pandemic and how it would handle the vaccine once it was available. Trump stressed that the operation launched by his government for the production and distribution of vaccines and treatments for covid-19, the so-called Operation Warp Speed (Operation Speed ​​of Light), is “unmatched anywhere in the world”.

“Leaders from other countries have called me to congratulate us on what we have been able to do, and we have helped many countries with respirators and all the problems they are having,” he said. In support of his thesis, he brought Moncef Slaoui and General Gustave Perna, both of the White House, to the podium of the White House. Operation Warp Speed. Mike Pence, US vice president and head of the White House coronavirus political group, also made an appearance and enthusiastically declared that “the cavalry” was on the way. “We are seeing cases growing across the country, I want to send a message to the population, we will continue to move heaven and earth to ensure that families have the same care we want for us.”

More than a retired president who referred to the team that must continue this battle against a virus that has already claimed the lives of more than 240,000 Americans, Trump looked like a politician in a sad campaign act, as if the New Yorker didn’t know that His days at the helm of the White House are numbered and the presidential race is over, even the tycoon’s voice and arrogant gestures had dropped by several degrees. Of course, there is always room for his truth, Trump’s truth, like when the president wanted to make it clear that it was a lie that Pfizer, the pharmaceutical company that announced earlier this week that it had obtained an effective vaccine at the 90%, had not been a recipient of funds provided by the Republican administration within the Warp Speed ​​program. “Pfizer said it’s not part of Warp Speed, but it’s not, or it wouldn’t have got the $ 1.9 billion the administration gave it. It was unfortunate [ese comentario]”Trump declared, contradicting the multinational’s data.

Trump provided a trail of kindness that his administration had done to protect the American people and stated that in the past nine months his administration had mobilized resources like never before “to look for drugs.” As the criticism could not be absent, Trump lashed out at the New York governor, who was reluctant to any vaccine not approved by state health authorities. “We can’t send the vaccine unless the governor tells us it’s ready [para recibirla]”Trump said with a certain annoyed tone.

If anyone expected an acceptance of reality, a step in the direction that would lead the country out of a unique and grotesque scenario, a concession speech. None of this happened to Trump’s appearance. For not having conceded, he has not even given time to question the press.

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