Trump spends $ 3 million on recount, which ultimately ended up giving Biden even more votes – Observer


[Nota: Notícia atualizada às 20h04 e às 20h12 de 28 de novembro de 2020, com tweet de Donald Trump]

The narrative prompted by Donald Trump’s campaign in Milwaukee County, the most populous in the state of Wisconsin, ended up giving even more votes to his opponent and election winner, Democrat Joe Biden.

The recount carried out in that county ended up dictating that, among the almost 460,000 votes recorded, Joe Biden won with 317,527 votes and Donald Trump was in second place with 134,482. Although the order of the results is not particularly surprising (Milwaukee County includes the city of the same name, which is a Democratic bastion in the state of Wisconsin), it is possible that Donald Trump’s campaign did not expect that after the recount the Joe Biden’s advantage increased by 132.

In all, Donald Trump’s campaign spent $ 3 million (2.51 million euros, at current exchange rates) to be able to carry out the ballot recount in Milwaukee County and also in Dane County also in Wisconsin, the results of which should be released this weekend.

With 98% of the results counted at this point, Joe Biden is considered the winner of the state of Wisconsin, having a little over 20,000 vote lead over Donald Trump.

In light of this news, Donald Trump reacted on Twitter. “The Wisconsin recount is not about finding errors in the count, it is about finding people who voted illegally, and that will be evoked after the recount is finished, Monday or Tuesday,” he wrote in that social network. “We found a lot of illegal votes. Stay tuned!”

In 2016, Wisconsin was a key player in Donald Trump’s victory over Hillary Clinton, after beating the Democratic candidate with 22,748 votes. The result was unexpected, with most polls predicting a victory for Hillary Clinton in that state which, since 1988, has consistently voted primarily for the Democratic presidential candidate.

In Pennsylvania, the president had another bad news: the request made by his team in that equally decisive state was rejected by a panel of report judges who in their decision said there was no evidence for the allegations of fraud initiated by the Republican campaign.

“Free and fair elections are the essence of our Democrat. The allegations of injustice are serious. But asking for unjust elections is not enough to do so ”, wrote judge Stephanos Bibas, who prepared the final text of the decision of the panel of three judges. “The allegations require specific allegations and then evidence to be presented. We have none of that in this case, “said the judge in question, appointed in November 2017 by Donald Trump.

On Saturday, Donald Trump also reacted to the position of the Pennsylvania judges. “Specific claims have been made and we have a lot of evidence in Pennsylvania. Some people just don’t want to see them, “he wrote.” They don’t want anything to do with saving this country. Sadness!

Another reaction to that decision was Jenna Ellis, legal counsel for Donald Trump’s campaign team, who tweeted that “the Pennsylvania activist judicial machine continues to cover up allegations of massive fraud” and concluded her post. with the expression: “For SCOTUS.” SCOTUS is the English acronym for the Supreme Court of the United States.

On Monday, Donald Trump agreed to start the transition process for Joe Biden, who was declared the winner of the presidential election by average – in the USA, since the counting process is slow, since the 19th century the media have declared the winner of the elections when their defeat is mathematically impossible. But Donald Trump has yet to acknowledge Joe Biden’s victory, despite saying Thursday that if his opponent’s victory is officially declared, he will leave the White House.

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