Trump News – Live: Defeated President Again Says “WE WIN” as Biden Conveys Thanksgiving “Hope” Message


Donald Trump continues to deny the reality, at least in public, stating on Twitter that we “WIN” the elections lost to Joe Biden despite the official transition having begun.

His social media account was filled overnight with allegations of US electoral conspiracy and complaints against the coronavirus and the political left. Additionally, he announced that he forgave Michael Flynn, his former national security advisor who admitted lying to the FBI during the investigation into Russia.

Meanwhile, Joe Biden used a live-streamed Thanksgiving speech to invoke unity, telling Americans, “We need to remember that we are at war with the virus, not among us. Not among us.”


Trump forgives disgraced former aide Michael Flynn

Another key story to be recovered overnight.

Donald Trump has announced the complete pardon of disgraced former adjutant general Michael Flynn, writes Oliver O’Connell.

The president tweeted: “It is my great honor to announce that General Michael T. Flynn has been granted complete pardon.”

“Congratulations to @GenFlynn and his wonderful family, I know you’re having a really great Thanksgiving now!” He continued.

Mr. Trump fired General Flynn in 2017, just 24 days into his presidency, for lying to Vice President Mike Pence and the FBI about conversations he had with the Russian ambassador.

Jon Sharman26 November 2020 08:03


Trump once again denies reality, while Biden calls for unity

Recover what you may have missed during the night

Joe Biden and Donald Trump have again offered conflicting approaches to reality and the hardships Americans face as they fight the coronavirus.

The incumbent spent the afternoon and evening denying losing the election, fueling division and pushing false claims about voting fraud.

He sent his attorney, Rudy Giuliani, and other members of his legal team to meet senators from the Republican state of Pennsylvania in Gettysburg. Inside a hotel near a civil war battlefield, election complaints and repeated allegations of democratic wrongdoing have again been aired that have already disintegrated before courts.

He just mentioned the coronavirus, except to complain about the damaging effects of the blockades, despite cases and deaths rising.

Meanwhile, Biden highlighted the growing pandemic in a speech on Thanksgiving Eve, pledging to harness the “vast powers” of the federal government and “change the course of the disease” once in office. But for this to work, he said, Americans must be committed to their own safety and that of their fellow citizens.

“I know the country has grown tired of the struggle,” Mr. Biden said Wednesday. “We need to remember that we are at war with the virus, not between us. Not between us.”

Jon Sharman26 November 2020 07:53

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