Trump lost another judicial appeal against the US election result


Donald Trump, president of the United States
Donald Trump, president of the United States

The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania this Saturday rejected a new judicial appeal against President Donald Trump’s campaign in which he denounced irregularities during the presidential elections in the United States.

The lawsuit filed by the Republicans called for the annulment of the postal ballot or the annulment of all votes, and the choice of the winner in Pennsylvania was left to state legislators.

The elected president, the Democrat Joe Biden won in Pennsylvania with an 81,000-vote lead.

The court dismissed the two cases, calling the second “surprising” in that it sought to “wrest the suffrage from the 6.9 million people who voted in Pennsylvania.”

The lawsuit also challenged the law passed in 2019 that established the vote by post in Pennsylvania, arguing that it was unconstitutional.

In their ruling, the judges indicated that this rejection of the law came too late, more than a year after its adoption, and at a time when the election result “seemed evident”.

Pennsylvania certified Biden’s victory on November 24.

US President-elect Joe Biden
US President-elect Joe Biden

An appeals court on Friday dismissed another court appeal from Trump arguing that the elections had not been fair..

Trump’s campaign has already suffered some twenty judicial defeats in an attempt to deny the result of this month’s elections.

In this particular case, the lawsuit focused on the state of Pennsylvania it had not correctly approved the law that allowed universal access to voting by correspondence, that is, the ballot papers for voting by correspondence are sent to the houses of the electors without having to carry out a preventive procedure.

So, Kelly demanded that all ballots by mail, mostly democratic, be canceled or that the state be authorized, in whose chambers the Republicans have a majority, selects the voters who must go to the constituency.

The court dismissed the case without leaving any possibility of appeal, as reported by the ABC television network. One reason for doing this is that the law allowing universal voting by mail was passed by a large majority in October 2019, so if Kelly thought it was illegal, she should have filed a lawsuit first.

In his car, Judge David N. Wecht was harsh on plaintiffs he accused of not being able to prove “that a simple ballot in the mail was fraudulently counted.”

Despite the fact that his campaign exceeds thirty defeats in court, Trump continues to assure on Twitter and with no evidence that the November 3 election was a fraud and that he is the real winner.

(With information from AFP and Europa Press)


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