Trump hypothesizes electoral fraud in Wisconsin: $ 3 million for the recount


  • Joel Schmidt

    fromJoel Schmidt

    to conclude

  • Matthis Pechtold

    Matthis Pechtold

    to conclude

Donald Trump is so far from competitor Joe Biden in Georgia’s vote count. Parts of Wisconsin are counting.

  • Donald Trump has the American elections Lost in 2020 – according to the current state also in the state Georgia.
  • The result of American elections in Georgia was very close, now they will to be right counted again by hand.
  • South Carolina Senator Graham is said to be a senior official Georgias asked for the possibility valid votes for to destroy.

Updated from Thursday 19 November 2020, 04:15: Current US President Donald Trump also wants some of the votes in his bid to overturn the US presidential election result State of Wisconsin count again. The president’s campaign team transferred an amount of $ 3 million for a partial recount, the state election commission said Wednesday. trump continues to claim that he won the election for electoral fraud in favor of the challenger Joe Biden It was taken. His lawsuits against it have so far been almost entirely unsuccessful.

Trump’s side said it was two districts. They were selected because there were most of the irregularities, he said. Biden is far superior in both districts. In Dane County it is ahead of Trump with over 260 185 votes out of 78,800, in Milwaukee County with 317 270 votes against 134 357.

Donald Trump does not give up.

© Alex Brandon / dpa

In the northern state Wisconsin sitting Democrat Biden with a lead of 20,470 votes, or 0.62 percent, against Republican Trump. The cost of a recount would be borne by the state only if the benefit was less than 0.25%. That’s why Trump’s side had to transfer the money. A recount of all the votes in the state would have cost Trump’s electoral team, according to authorities, $ 7.9 million.

Georgia: pre-graduate review

Before the conclusion is the manual review of the votes in Georgia. There Biden was in the lead with about 14,000 votes before the recount began. During the inspection it was found that several thousand votes were not included in the results, said the secretary of state responsible for conducting the elections. Brad Raffensperger I am CNN news channel. The cause was the errors of employees in two districts ruled by the Republicans. With them, Biden’s lead had shrunk to about 12,000 votes. Raffensperger also stressed: “We saw no signs of widespread fraud.” Fox News according to 5600 counted votes were not included in the bill. Georgia wants to present the final results on Thursday.

Georgia: No evidence of rigged voting machines

+++ 2.00 pm: State Secretary of Georgia Brad Raffensperger announced on Tuesday (November 17, 2020) that an overhaul of voting machines in the US state has been completed and is undergoing no evidence of electoral fraud could be determined. The incumbent US president Donald Trump it was previously owned by Dominion Voting Systems, the manufacturer of in the state Georgia used voting machines, accused of stealing 2.7 million voters: internal votes.

Joe Biden leads the vote count in Georgia.

© Megan Varner / Getty Images / AFP

“We are delighted, if not surprised, that the voting machine survey was an unqualified success,” the online newspaper “The Hill” said, quoting the Republican. Brad Raffensperger. The Secretary of State of Georgia he also said in a statement that election security has been a top priority since the beginning of his term.

Brad Raffensperger assured that his administration’s collaboration with the “Department of Homeland Security”, the “Georgia Cyber ​​Center“As well as countless technology and security experts in the US state led to the elections in Georgia could be performed lawfully and safely.

Joe Biden Leads Georgia Countdown – Donald Trump Fires Officials Via Twitter

Update from November 18, 2020, 7:00 am: The incumbent US president Donald Trump fired a senior national security officer for making allegations about a alleged election fraud he had publicly refused. The head of the information security and infrastructure agency, Chris Krebs, was fired “effective immediately,” Trump wrote Tuesday evening (local time) on Twitter. His statement that the presidential election was not manipulated was “highly inaccurate,” Trump said.

There have been “massive irregularities”, they said Donald Trump. Among other things, the deceased had voted and the voting machines had voted Trump for Democrats Joe Biden impressed, the Republican continued to claim. Twitter warned Trump’s fraud allegations that the claims were “controversial”.

Joe Biden leads Donald Trump’s recount in Georgia: votes should be destroyed

+++ 22.45: Gabriel Sterling, the representative of Electoral Authority of Georgia said on Tuesday (November 17, 2020) that only about 300,000 out of a total of nearly 5 million ballots would have to be checked by hand. Georgia has a good program. The electoral authority has announced that the count should end on Wednesday (November 18, 2020) and that the result should be verified by Friday at the latest.

Meanwhile, 29 counties are already reporting to the US state of Georgia to “CNN” who had already completed the voting process and could not find any discrepancies with previous results. The results of the tale so far discredit the hypotheses of President Donald Trump on widespread fraud in the 2020 US election.

People celebrate US President-elect Joe Biden. (Archive photo)

© Brynn Anderson / AP / dpa

In Floyd County alone, the recount was 2,600 Ballot papers not counted found. The constituency council recounted all early votes that turned out to be poorly managed, Sterling told CNN. Counting the forgotten votes, President Donald Trump Get 778 additional votes – If the votes are more than 13,000 backwards Joe Biden rather a drop in the ocean.

2020 US elections: Donald Trump’s confidant lobbied electoral inspectors in Georgia

+++ 19:45: After the defeat of the president of the United States Donald Trump versus Joe Biden in the state Georgia in American elections confidants of the incumbent president continue to put pressure on the election overseer.

Brad Raffensperger, who is also a Republican, remained true to his take on Tuesday (November 17, 2020) on CBS, Senator Lindsey Graham suggested destroy valid ballot papers. It should invalidate postal votes whose signatures did not match those in the electoral register. Raffensperger then explained to his party colleague that the ballot papers could not be linked later to the corresponding envelope, as it was ultimately a secret election. Graham denied the allegations.

The American state Georgia leaves all votes cast in presidential elections new count by handto make sure the result is correct. So far it holds true Joe Biden there is an advantage of about 14,000 votes. Authorities currently do not assume that the result will change significantly as a result of the recount.

Call for a rally against the 2020 US elections: “March for Trump” causes ridicule

Update from Tuesday 17 November 2020, 12:45: Supporters of Donald Trump call for protest against Trump’s legitimate defeat in front of the Georgia state government in Atlanta next weekend. A chart used for a “March for trump“It is advertised, it already causes a lot of ridicule.

Not only was the state name misspelled (“Georiga” instead of “Georgia“), The state is also colored blue in the graphics – the corporate color of the Democrats, their candidate Joe Biden the American elections and the winner is. Republicans are usually symbolized with the color red.

Initial report: Atlanta, Georgia – The Republican secretary of state of state Georgia, Brad Raffensperger, accuses his party colleague Lindsey Graham they claim to have asked him directly about the possibility of destroying valid votes. Donald Trump currently has elections in the state only against Joe Biden lost, votes are currently being counted again by hand.

2020 US elections: Von Raffensperger indicted – Senator Graham defends himself

Graham holds a seat as a senator for South Carolina in the United States Congress and chairs the justice committee. Had a conversation about file counting Voting in Georgia Raffensperger he asked directly if he had the power to invalidate those postal votes whose signatures did not match those of the electoral register. This reports Raffensperger in conversation with the Washington Post. He understood that Graham’s statement meant he was actively trying to find a way to exclude valid votes from the tally.

Graham defends himself from the accusation. As the “Guardian” reports, he argues with the conversation Raffensperger not turned off, but points out that he simply has more information on the election process in Georgia he wanted to catch up. “I thought it would be a good conversation,” Graham said on Monday (November 17, 2020) after the allegations went public. “I’m surprised that he [Raffensperger, Anm. d. Red.] that characterizes the conversation. “

Raising allegations against party colleague Lindsey Graham: Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger

© Brynn Anderson / dpa

2020 US elections in Georgia: pressure from party colleagues – Raffensperger does not want to support Donald Trump

After the accusation, the Republican Raffensperger heavily criticized by party colleagues. Both Georgian senators, David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler, are calling for his resignation. Congressman Doug Collins also spoke Raffensperger for what Donald Trump not assist in his illegitimate attempt to defeat in American elections cancel and stay in power. Also other republican to keep trump continue loyalty.

Raffensperger meanwhile he insists that he would cast all legitimate doubts on the integrity of the elections Georgia take it seriously and examine. There is currently insufficient evidence of election manipulation in the southwestern state. As Secretary of State, Graham is not like he is at the federal level Mike Pompeo, Foreign Minister under Donald Trumpbut with things inside Georgias entrusted. This includes, among other things, the supervision of elections. (Matthis Pechtold)

Picture of the title list: © Alex Brandon / dpa

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