Trump forgives Thanksgiving turkey as Biden introduces his toilet


As per tradition, the president pardoned a turkey, Corn, from an Iowa farm: “We are here to continue our beloved annual tradition, the official presidential pardon of some very lucky turkeys.”


Outgoing US President Donald Trump, who has yet to acknowledge his defeat in the November 3 election, fulfilled this Tuesday 24-N with the tradition of forgiving a turkey on Thanksgiving, minutes after the president elected Joe Biden introduced some of his future cabinet members.

Accompanied by his wife Melania, Trump began the ceremony at the White House Rose Garden by recalling the record set today by the Dow Jones Industrialists Index which reached 30,000 points.

“Now that’s okay, it’s great for the job, and it’s good for everything, this is the ninth time we’ve set a record in 2020 and the 48th time we’ve set a record under the Trump administration. There has never been anything. like that. and I want to congratulate everyone, “said the president, who once again tried to take credit for this achievement, having done it an hour and a half earlier in a short speech at the presidential palace.

However, the Dow Jones hit 30,000 points soon after Trump announced on Monday that he had given the green light to the process of transferring power to Biden, which will be invested on January 20, thus ending the administrative paralysis he had been installed in. this transition period.

During the ceremony at the Rose Garden, Trump also again took note of the progress of a vaccine against covid-10 and announced that “it will probably begin (to be applied) next week or shortly thereafter,” without offering great details.

“The last week was very unusual, but in many ways it was very, very good. With what we’ve been through and we’ve been able to go through the vaccines and now they’re coming out one after another, something has happened. amazing, the greatest medical achievements the planet has ever seen and it’s time to remember that we live in the best country in the world, “he said.

Trump also thanked the doctors, nurses, health workers and scientists who waged the battle “against the Chinese virus” in reference to the coronavirus.

As per tradition, the president pardoned a turkey, Corn, from an Iowa farm: “We are here to continue our beloved annual tradition, the official presidential pardon of some very lucky turkeys.”

Trump approached the “lucky” animal to touch it and recalled that he had been chosen this year.

Every year the White House organizes a vote, this time on Twitter, to decide between two turkeys, this year it was Cob and Corn (cob and corn), so that one receives presidential pardon, even if finally both animals “are They save “from being served at tables as a main and traditional Thanksgiving dish.

In 1989, then President George HW Bush ushered in the tradition of forgiving a turkey before Thanksgiving, and all of his successors have maintained this ceremony.

However, the turkey legend indicates that President Abraham Lincoln (1861-1865) had already saved one at the White House because his son begged him to.

The event at the White House came minutes after Biden had just unveiled his future government’s national and foreign security team in Wilmington, Delaware, where he resides.

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