Trump fires election security director


US President Donald Trump fired the country’s top electoral security official on Tuesday, who dismissed the president’s complaints about alleged “massive” fraud in the last election, AFP reports.

Two weeks after the election in which he was defeated by Democrat Joe Biden, the Republican president continues to ensure that he has won and states, without any evidence, that there have been irregularities in the presidential election.

The agencies in charge of electoral security contradict this and believe that these elections were “The safest in US history”.

The disagreement between the president and those organizations led to the dismissal of Chris Krebs, the director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), who in recent days had dedicated himself to denying Trump’s election fraud allegations.

“Chris Krebs’ recent statement on the security of the 2020 election was very inaccurate, as there was a lot of inappropriate stuff and fraud.”, tuiteó Trump.

“Therefore, effective immediately, Chris Krebs was removed.”, he wrote.

“It was an honor to serve. We did it well “Krebs reacted on Twitter, which according to the press had told friends last week that he expected to be fired.

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