Trump admits transition – US expert: “Trump has re-election in sight in 2024” – News


Even if President Donald Trump wants to continue contesting the election, allows the transition, the transfer of power to election winner Joe Biden can begin. The US president-elect is pursuing a longer-term plan: as an outsider, run for the Republican presidency again in four years, says US expert Josef Braml.

Joseph Braml

Joseph Braml

US political scientist and expert

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Josef Braml is a US expert at the German Society for Foreign Policy (DGAP). He is the author of the book “Trump’s America – At the expense of freedom”. He also posts current analysis on his blog, The link opens in a new window.

SRF News: What does President Donald Trump’s consent to transfer of power mean?

Josef Braml: Trump is preparing for a possible re-election in 2024. He knows that if he blocks longer, it will backfire. At the same time, he has to work on the legend that the presidency has been stripped from him and the current elections have been rigged – after all, more than half of Republican voters believe this legend.

Trump could go back to being an outsider in 2024 – after all, the so-called establishment is now back at the helm.



Biden can start with his team – meanwhile Trump continues to work on his legend of the Democrat election victory scam.


Also, don’t forget: Despite his controversial leadership and racist election campaign, Trump received ten million more votes than four years ago. These voters could help him win the election in 2024. So he could run like an outsider again – after all, the so-called establishment is now back at the helm. So I wouldn’t be surprised if the second season of the Trump show was already in production.

Furthermore, if Trump does not give in now, he would also hinder the major election of two senators in Georgia in January. Then it is decided whether Republicans can hold a majority in the Senate – which would mean that Joe Biden couldn’t get along with either person in his administration because the Senate has to approve the people.

Now begins the so-called transition, the transfer of power. What does this mean for President-elect Joe Biden?

Biden Camp must now work primarily to win two Senate seats in Georgia in January. Because only then can Biden pass his personal data to the government and senior officials. Indeed, Biden has so far only named people who are at the political center.

Antony Blinken will become foreign minister, Janet Yellen – under the head of Obama’s central bank – will become finance minister. Is Biden basically putting Obama’s old team back together?

As for security and foreign policy, yes. But in financial and economic policy it will bring fewer people to Wall Street. Bernie Sanders could become minister of labor.

Kerry becomes special climate envoy

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Kerry becomes special climate envoy

The appointment of former President Barack Obama’s foreign minister, John Kerry, as special envoy for the climate shows that President Joe Biden wants to give the climate a great deal of weight. Even during the election campaign, Biden put in place an ambitious climate plan – and took a big risk in nearly losing swing states like Pennsylvania – where a lot of fracking oil is extracted. However, Biden is threatening to be slowed down by the Senate with his future-oriented climate policy, which is also important to the US economy.

For Kerry, the new position is certainly not the pinnacle of her career, especially when she may not be able to achieve much due to the blockade in the Senate. (Josef Braml)

Indeed, Biden’s appointments to government office have so far been lacking in left-wing figures, the progressive party of the Democrats. Because?

Biden first shows where he is: in the middle. But it will have to make concessions to the democratic left. With Linda Thomas-Greenfield as UN Ambassador and Alejandro Mayorkas as Homeland Security Minister, she has already paid tribute to African Americans and Latin Americans. As a result, more left-wing candidates could follow in the business and labor sector.

Biden will have to make concessions to the democratic left.

Will everything go smoothly with the transfer of power?

It doesn’t go quite smoothly or smoothly with Trump – there will definitely be one or the other Rambazamba. But one thing is certain now: the transfer of power will happen normally, especially since Biden works with many experienced people. “They will hit the ground running” – as they say in the United States.

Interview conducted by Hans Ineichen.

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