Three rescue options under review to save a fallen boy in a pit


UThe two-year-old child finds himself in a well from Sunday afternoons more than 100 meters deep in Malaga, Spain, where he fell by chance.

The firemen have already managed to find a bag this morning that the child took with him when he fell, but nothing more.

The operation is considered complex, says El País, because it is a narrow hole for the prospecting of water, with only 20 centimeters in diameter.

There are over a hundred agents trying to save the smallest.

The Civil Guard gave three options for saving the boy:

  • The first is do a good parallel, even if for this they have before covering the existing one to make sure it does not collapse;
  • do a excavation in the open in the area until you reach the place where you believe the child is;
  • Use a powerful machine like a terna, to extract the earth it was found inside the hole at a depth of 79 meters;

If they choose the hypothesis of a parallel well, it should be 100 meters deep and 1.5 meters wide, explained one of the specialists working with the authorities.

Rescue operations continue, 24 hours after the alarm was given.

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