Thousands of Trump Supporters Gather to Call for “Four More Years” | USA 2020 elections


Thousands of Donald Trump supporters demonstrated in Washington this Saturday to demand “another four years” of the outgoing president’s term and denounce election “theft”, despite the absence of any evidence of fraud in favor of Joe Biden.

Stepping out of the White House to go golfing, the American president, who has not yet admitted defeat in the November 4 election, a week after the election results were announced, was able to see some of the supporters of his armored limo.

The presidential “convoy” passed Freedom Plaza, where enthusiastic protesters shouted “Four more years! Four more years!” Or “USA! USA!”, With many supporters waving “Trump 2020” flags and some displaying signs reading “Best president in history”.

A 26-year-old boy, Darion Schaublin, took more than six hours from Ohio to report a “completely fraudulent system” and “manipulation of average“He told AFP that he lost his job in a restaurant because he refused to wear a mask and said he doubted the” legitimacy “of the election result.

Margarita Urtubey, 49, a Florida horse breeder, accompanied by a friend of Uruguayan descent, like her, believes that “Trump won” the presidential election.

The results of all states have already been announced by major American TV channels, with Joe Biden winning 306 voters, against 232 for the outgoing president, a result in contrast to Trump’s victory over Hillary Clinton in 2016, and at the time classified it as a “tsunami”.

The recount of the votes will take place in Georgia, where the difference is minimal between the two candidates, but the result will not change the situation, that is, whatever happens in this state, Joe Biden has the 270 voters needed to enter the White House.

Barack Obama’s former Vice President, who will turn 78 next week, left Saturday morning to cycle near his vacation home in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware.

Donald Trump, meanwhile, continues to maintain confusion over what his intentions will be, as Friday was close to acknowledging his rival’s victory, but he quickly withdrew.

The various federal agencies have shown that Donald Trump did not win the election, contrary to what the outgoing president complains and claims that the November 3 elections were “the safest in US history”.


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