Those who denounce the authors will reward 100 thousand euros


€ 6.5 million was stolen from the Emmerich district main customs office in Duisburg, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. Police said the robbery was professionally planned and carried out by 3 people. According to the police report, the robbers reached the safe in the basement of the customs building by drilling through the wall of the adjacent room.


According to statements drawn by witnesses, the sound sounds first came after the wall around 06:00 on Sunday November 1st. At around 10:45 pm, three men wearing dark knit hats entered and exited the building multiple times to load things into a white van with Klever license plates and sliding door. One of the witnesses noticed the suspect walking near the main customs office at the time of the crime and took pictures of him. According to the witness’s testimony, the suspect then got into another car and moved in the same direction as the white van. The customs administration has announced that it will allocate € 100,000 to those who report the perpetrators.

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