They investigate the discovery of a young man dead in a house in the UK


The discovery of a mummified body in a house is currently making headlines in the UK and is being investigated by authorities.

This is Roy Curtis, a 28 year old diagnosed with personality disorder and Asperger’s syndrome, which has not been seen by his neighbors for months.

The man resided in a house in the town of Milton Keynes, north west of London.

For nine months his mail has piled up and he has not respected the lease, which is why the owners have turned to the authorities to evict him, but they found him lifeless and practically mummified.

The terrible discovery took place in August 2019, but it is news these days due to an investigation into the fact.

November 2018 was the last time the young man was seen by anyone. It occurred in a consultation with his family doctor several weeks after mental health services discharged him, according to the BBC.

The young man was distressed that some benefits were suspended, even on one occasion he wrote a suicide note.

Later, Curtis, also known as Ayman Habayeb, was admitted to the Campbell Center, a mental health facility in Milton Keynes.

Local staff worked with the young man to get the benefits back and then discharged him.

Next, Curtis requested a letter stating that he could not participate in a work aptitude assessment, as going out created anxiety.

It was November 15, 2018, and was being treated by a member of the surgical staff, the BBC noted.

Since then, Curtis has not been seen by any health workers at his home until he was found dead.

Since no one from the hospital has contacted him again, his responsibility for the young man’s tragic outcome is being investigated.

His father said they could have saved his life.

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