The WHO congratulated Biden, who promised to stop the United States from leaving the organization


“My colleagues and I look forward to working with you,” the WHO director general wrote to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.


The World Health Organization (WHO) regains hope of rebuilding its ties to the highest level with the United States, following the victory of President-elect Joe Biden, who during his campaign promised to halt the process of leaving his country from this multilateral entity.

“Congratulations to President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris. My WHO colleagues and I look forward to working with you and your teams, “said WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.

In a message broadcast on Twitter, Tedros recalls that “a crisis like the one that caused the covid-19 pandemic shows the importance of solidarity in protecting lives and livelihoods”.

The United States is the country most affected by COVID-19, with over 9.5 million cases and 233,000 deaths attributed to this disease.

President Donald Trump blamed WHO for not acting in time to slow the spread of the coronavirus and of having covered up China, which – according to its accusations – had hidden important information on the new pathogen from the rest of the world in the initial phase of the pandemic, allegations on which it has never presented evidence.

The uncontrollable spread of the coronavirus fully coincided with the election campaign, although Trump initially downplayed the gravity of the situation.

When the scale of the problem became apparent, it accused the WHO of mishandling the response to the pandemic and ordered a total US cut of funds.

After ordered the withdrawal of his country from the WHO, currently scheduled for 6 July 2021 and that Biden said he would cancel the first day of his term if he won the election.

The president-elect defended throughout the pandemic the need to listen to WHO scientists and experts on how to stop the pandemic, focusing efforts on testing, case monitoring, social distancing, the use of masks, as well as in the search for a vaccine.


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