The United States Reports Record Daily COVID-19 Cases Of Nearly 200,000 – Xinhua


WASHINGTON, November 13 (Xinhua) – The United States reported an all-time high of nearly 200,000 new cases of COVID-19 Thursday, setting a new record for the fifth time in a week, showed updated data Friday from the U.S. Centers for Control and disease prevention (CDC).

The latest daily case count of 194,610 updated the previous national record of 143,408 set the previous day, pushing the seven-day average daily increase to a record high of 132,442 cases, according to the CDC.

A total of 1,147 coronavirus deaths nationwide were recorded on Thursday, bringing the seven-day average death toll to 1,136, the highest since the beginning of August.

It marked the fifth consecutive day that the daily case count in the United States had set a new record.

The country witnessed its most critical week as key COVID-19 metrics, including daily case increase, seven-day average daily increase, and hospitalizations hit new highs this week.

A new forecast released Thursday by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) at the University of Washington predicted 439,000 cumulative deaths from COVID-19 in the United States by March 1 and a peak in daily deaths in mid-January at 2,200. day.

“Although the use of masks has increased to 67 percent, further increases of up to 95 percent could save another 68,000 lives by March 1,” the IHME said in the report.

“Daily cases are increasing at an accelerated pace with the increase in deaths, but at a slower pace. Given the experience in Europe, we expect the increase in deaths to soon start to match the increase in cases.” the report states.

According to the IHME, the fall / winter peak is evident in nearly every state in the United States at this point.

US President Donald Trump said on Friday that a coronavirus vaccine could be available to the general population as early as April.

The United States has recorded more than 10,727,000 cases with over 244,300 related deaths as of Friday evening, according to the real-time tally maintained by Johns Hopkins University. Enditem

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