The thief tried to rob a woman and received a beating: she was a jiu-jitzu fighter


A thief will do it kidnapping
to a woman who was quitting her job on her cell phone, she ran away and – when she was about to reach her goal – the story took a turn he will never forget.

The victim went to look for him with the help of a friend who drove a car and some residents who, alerted by their voices seeking help, joined the improvised operation.

To this story, which took place in the touristy Mar del Plata, Argentina, we must add that the victim turned out to be a former Brazilian fighter of jiu-jitzu, a martial art that consists of learning to handle keys with the hands and legs to reduce the opponent.

“Son of a bitch … you go to work, I’m locked up all day working because you steal me” repeatedly said the young woman to the man, as she held him by the neck and tied him with her legs so that he would not run away, just like an anaconda.

To local media, the woman named Brisa told them: “My first reaction was to turn around and run. There were people who were there and they were able to help me get it ”.

“We spend all day working in clubs, in a pandemic, with a reduced salary, and in three seconds this chabón has earned half my salary. I am angry but happy because I got my cell phone back, “she said.

Furthermore, he explained how he reached the thief: “When he robbed me, I ran into a colleague in the car and we chased him. I got out of the car, hit him in the head and kept hitting him, he gave me a lot of anger and helplessness, I was getting out of work and he tore off my cellphone. I don’t regret doing it. I’m proud and I hope this guy won’t steal anymore ”.

The event took place on November 10, but still has repercussions on local and international media.


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