One of the questions that have always arisen with the development of technology is whether at some point this can finish the work, due to automation or the implementation of robots.
Some studies have even been devoted to measuring the impact of this on the labor sector. Among them, the University of Oxford last year published his research “How Robots Changed the World”, where he estimates it the use of robots, especially in the manufacturing sector, can result in the loss of 20 million jobs by 2030.
Although, it is worth clarifying, several experts on the subject indicate that although technology can replace the human being in some professions, this also implies the emergence of new fields of work in other sectors and new professions that compensate for this situation.
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Given this fact, recently, the metasearch of the Jobatus job, which is found in several countries, presented research showing that five jobs that are currently part of our daily life can disappear by artificial intelligence, in particular by automatic learning. This is the list.
Image bank photographers:
The reason is that in the future Artificial Intelligence will be able to provide the image that the person needs in a short period of time, according to the characteristics that the user stipulates.
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Therefore, the possibility exists that image banks, used for different industries such as advertising, change your model and stop using photographers to get pictures.
Vehicle drivers:
Autonomous cars are nothing new and there are already several advances that suggest that in the medium term it is possible Vehicles do not need a person to function, especially with the development of 5G networks, which give more support to this technology.
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Even a few weeks ago, South Korea began piloting flying taxis that do not require a driver within the team and are expected to be operational by 2025.
Several subject matter experts indicate that although technology can replace humans in some professions, this also implies the emergence of new fields of work.
The study suggests that due to the development of automatic learning, via Artificial Intelligence, there is the possibility that simply by entering a title and a couple of data, the machine can generate the body of the news. Although it is not yet clear how the investigative and reporting tasks that are part of journalism will be provided.
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Imaging Technician:
The development of technology may result in people not being needed to study images, photographs or exams, as it may be equipped with machines capable of doing this work.
Web designer:
Artificial intelligence will allow you to replicate web page styles, templates and codes, which it would allow them to be made without the need for a designer to create them.
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