The photographs intensify rumors that Melania Trump has a double



The hashtag #FakeMelania has become a trend on social networks. Look at the pictures.

Rumors that Melania Trump has a partner have intensified in recent days after a photograph in which the US first lady looks physically different.

Users carefully examined images of the US president and Melania boarding the plane that allegedly took them to the presidential debate in Nashville over the weekend, in what was the couple’s first public appearance after being infected by the new coronavirus – and it seems to have been agreed that something was different on the face of Donald Trump’s wife, thus giving wings to the theory that Melania has a partner. The hashtag #FakeMelania (False Melania) has quickly become a social media trend.

“The only thing I’m going to miss about this administration is that they change Melania and pretend we won’t notice it as a 4-year-old,” film producer Zack Bornstein wrote on Twitter.

“Good luck finding photos of Melania smiling like that,” said another user.

Many netizens have pointed out differences in the American first lady’s smile and teeth and believe that there is not one, but several women to replace Melania at certain events. The first time the rumor came was in 2017, and in the past Trump has reacted with his famous phrase: “Fake News”.


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