The Peruvian prosecutor’s office investigates the attack on a Venezuelan citizen


The Peruvian prosecutor’s office opened a preliminary criminal investigation Thursday on a Peruvian who denigrated a Venezuelan immigrant who distributes food on a motorcycle in Lima with rudeness and xenophobic expressions, the institution reported.

The detective, a 52-year-old lawyer, attempted to travel to the United States on Thursday, a day after his case caused outrage in the country and he was fined $ 1,200 for discrimination, but the airline did not allow him to. board your flight.

“The second provincial criminal prosecutor of Miraflores ordered to open a preliminary investigation for a period of 30 days against Guillermo Miranda North, for the alleged commission of the crime against humanity, discrimination, to the detriment of the (Venezuelan) Junior Ramírez Alarcón “the Public Ministry said on Twitter.

The incident occurred on Tuesday in a residential building in the tourist district of Miraflores in Lima, when Miranda addressed a series of insults and xenophobic expressions to Ramírez, 23, when he arrived on his motorcycle to deliver a food order.

“You are a poor idiot, idiot”, “I’m tired of you, I want to hit you”, “Do you want me to send you a combo (punch) in your country, son of a bitch?”, Miranda tells him in a video recorded by a camera that the Venezuelan delivery boy wore in his helmet and that went viral on social networks.

The customer was upset that the paper bag containing his plate of food had been broken during the transfer. The bellboy gave him explanations and told him he would cancel the order, but he couldn’t calm him down.

Miranda apologized to Ramírez on Wednesday in a video she posted on social networks, but the Venezuelan refused to accept them and filed a complaint with a police station.

In addition, the municipality of Miraflores, which has an ordinance prohibiting discrimination in the district and has issued a $ 1,200 fine to Miranda, filed another complaint with the prosecution.

Miranda “could be punished with up to four years in prison,” said the municipality’s chief legal officer, Augusto Palomino.

This Thursday morning Miranda tried to travel to Los Angeles when it looked like he might be the subject of the first trial for xenophobia in Peru, but the airline Latam prevented him from boarding his flight.

Latam explained in a statement that he reserves the right to embark “any passenger who may disturb the due tranquility and proper functioning of the flights”. / AFP.

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