The oldest man in Iran died: he was 138 years old!


According to his identity documents, the man was born on February 28, 1882 and died on Wednesday, November 18.


Iran announced on Thursday 19-N the death of its eldest elder: a 138-year-old Kurd, according to his identity documents.

Ahmad Soufi died this Wednesday in Saqqez, in the province of Kurdistan (western Iran), the official agency Irna reported, specifying that “he died of old age”.

The agency publishes a copy of his “chenasnameh” (equivalent to the family book) and his identity document, both indicating a date of birth dating back to the 19th century, February 28, 1882, which means that Soufi was born the same. year of American President Franklin D. Roosevelt, who died … in 1945.

According to her documents, Soufi died at a much older age than that of the Japanese Kane Tanaka, born on January 2, 1903 (117 years), and who is considered the “dean” of humanity.

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